The Fourth Alabama Painting by Don Troiani

Second Brigade, Fifth Division

Captain A Basezemwski, 31st New York Infantry, Company C

Captain A Basezemwski, 31st New York Infantry, Company C

Thirty-first New York Infantry

Mustered in United States service for two years 24 and 27 May, and 3 and 13 June, 1861. Arrived at Washington, D. C., 25 June, 1861. Not engaged in the first battle of Bull Run

C E Pratt was appointed colonel, 31st New York Infantry, on 20 June, 1861, dated 21 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at old State Arsenal, on the grounds of Central Park, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 14 June, 1861. Colonel C E Pratt, 31st New York Infantry, was assigned to command the 16th New York Infantry and the 32nd New York Infantry at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861.

W H Browne was appointed lieutenant colonel, 31st New York Infantry, on 20 June, 1861, dated 21 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at old State Arsenal, on the grounds of Central Park, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 14 June, 1861. Lieutenant Colonel W H Browne, 31st New York Infantry, was assigned to command the 31st New York Infantry in the morning on 21 July, 1861.

A Dougherty was appointed major, 31st New York Infantry, on 20 June, 1861, dated 21 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at old State Arsenal, on the grounds of Central Park, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 14 June, 1861. First Lieutenant & Adjutant F Jones, 31st New York Infantry, was appointed acting major, first lieutenant and adjutant, 31st New York Infantry, at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861.

The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 3 May, 1861, dated 2 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at old State Arsenal, on the grounds of Central Park, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 24 May, 1861.
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 3 May, 1861, dated 2 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at old State Arsenal, on the grounds of Central Park, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 27 May, 1861.
Company C: CAPT. A RasZEWSKI
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 3 May, 1861, dated 2 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at old State Arsenal, on the grounds of Central Park, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 27 May, 1861.
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 8 May, 1861, dated 7 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at old State Arsenal, on the grounds of Central Park, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 27 May, 1861. Captain M O McGarry, 31st New York Infantry, Company D, was discharged on 7 August, 1861.
Company E: CAPT. A HEISS
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 7 May, 1861, dated 4 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at old State Arsenal, on the grounds of Central Park, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 27 May, 1861.
The company was mustered in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 9 May, 1861, dated 8 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at old State Arsenal, on the grounds of Central Park, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 27 May, 1861. First Lieutenant F Pross, 31st New York Infantry, Company F, was assigned to command the company at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861.
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 13 May, 1861, dated 7 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at old State Arsenal, on the grounds of Central Park, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 27 May, 1861. First Lieutenant O J Rogers, 31st New York Infantry, Company G, was assigned to command the company at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861.
Company H: CAPT. D LAMB
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 21 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at old State Arsenal, on the grounds of Central Park, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 27 May, 1861.
Company I: CAPT. J A RUE
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 24 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at old State Arsenal, on the grounds of Central Park, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 3 June, 1861.
Company K: CAPT. J H WATTS
The company was accepted in state service for two years at Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, on 24 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at old State Arsenal, on the grounds of Central Park, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 13 June, 1861. The company was disbanded on 27 November, 1861, and Captain J H Watts, 31st New York Infantry, Company K, was discharged on 13 October, 1862.
Drum Corps: Drum Maj. C R Hardwick

Organisation of 31st New York Infantry at the first battle of Bull Run, 21 July, 1861: Colonel C E Pratt, Lieutenant Colonel W H Browne, Major A Dougherty*; Company A, Captain J J S Hassler; Company B, Captain L C Newman; Company C, Captain A Raszewski; Company D, Captain M O McGarry; Company E, Captain A Heiss; Company F, Captain H Witthack*; Company G, Captain E Johnson*; Company H, Captain D Lamb; Company I, Captain J A Rue; Company K, Captain J H Watts

*Not present at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861


"The Thirty-first Regiment, Col. C.E. Pratt, stationed here, now number 740 men, exclusive of officers and musicians. They are not yet uniformed, owing to some irregularity in the inspection. The Tenth Company was not inspected until Thursday, but Gen. Arthur promised the balance of uniforms as soon as they can be obtained."

New York Times (New York City, New York County, New York), 16 June, 1861- Local military movements

"After the departure of Colonel Pratt's regiment from Riker's Island, today or Monday, their camp will be occupied by Colonel Innes' command, now on 49th st."

Sun (New York City, New York County, New York), 22 June, 1861 - Changes in quartering troops

"A train of cars arrived here at two o'clock yesterday afternoon, bringing the thirty-first New York, numbering 897 men."

National Republican (Washington, D. C.), 26 June, 1861 - Arrival of the New York Thirty-first

"New York, 15 July - A letter from a member of the 31st N. Y. regiment is dated Saturday, three miles south of Alexandria. the 31st was previously in Washington."

Boston Herald (Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts), 16 July, 1861

Books/ Manuscripts

Third Annual Assembly of the Bureau of Military Record, State of New York, transmitted to the legislature, Albany, 2 February, 1866: Historical sketches of the first thirty-eight regiments New York Volunteer Infantry, pp219-223

New York in the War of Rebellion, 1861-1865, Volume 3, by Frederick Phisterer


The 31st New York Infantry was authorised to serve two years, unless sooner discharged, by General Orders Nos.13 and 17, General Headquarters, State of New York, Adjutant General's Office, Albany, Albany County, New York, on 18 and 25 April, 1861, and was organised at New York City, New York County, New York, on 21 May, 1861.

Note: The 31st New York Infantry was authorised by a proclamation calling for 75,000 militia to serve three months on 15 April, 1861, and was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 21 May, 1861.

Accepted in state service for two years, New York City, New York County, & Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, 2-24 May, 1861: The 31st New York Infantry, Companies A, B, and C was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 2 May, 1861; Company E for two years on 4 May, 1861; Company G for two years on 7 May, 1861; Company F for two years on 8 May, 1861; Company H for two years on 21 May, 1861; Company I for two years on 24 May, 1861; and Company K for two years at Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, on 24 May, 1861.

City Hall Park barracks, on Chambers Street, southwest corner of Broadway & Park Row, New York City, New York County, New York, Companies A, B, C, & D, 13 May, 1861: Hassler's company (77), Newman's company (77), Raszewski's company (77), and McGarry's company (69) were ordered to City Hall Park barracks, on Chambers Street, southwest corner of Broadway and Park Row, New York City, New York County, New York, in the morning on 13 May, 1861.

Note: Heiss' company and Witthack's company were stationed at Pearl Street, New York City, New York County, New York, on 13 May, 1861.

City Hall Park barracks, on Chambers Street, southwest corner of Broadway & Park Row, to the Express building, on River Street, New York City, New York County, Company D, 18 May, 1861: The 31st New York Infantry, Company D, was ordered to the Express building, on River Street, New York City, New York County, New York, in the evening on 18 May, 1861, and was accompanied by the 32nd New York Infantry, Companies A, B, C, and I (See the 32nd New York Infantry).

Special Orders No.237, General Headquarters, State of New York, Adjutant General's Office, Albany, Albany County, New York, Companies I & K, 29 May, 1861: Rue's company and Watts company, 36th New York Infantry, were assigned to the 31st New York Infantry, Companies I and K, by Special Orders No.237, General Headquarters, State of New York, Adjutant General's Office, Albany, Albany County, New York, on 29 May, 1861 (See the Volunteers, Department of Washington).

Note: Atwood's company and Smith's company, 31st New York Infantry, were assigned to the 22nd New York Infantry and the 35th New York Infantry, respectively, by Special Orders No.237, General Headquarters, State of New York, Adjutant General's Office, Albany, Albany County, New York, on 29 May, 1861 (See Volunteers, Department of Washington).

New York City, New York County, to Troy, Rensselaer County, & Elmira, Chemung County, New York, Attwood's & Smith's companies, 6 June, 1861: Atwood's company was ordered to Troy, Rensselaer County, New York, and Smith's company to Elmira, Chemung County, New York, on 6 June, 1861.

Mustered for two years, old State Arsenal, on the grounds of Central Park, New York City, New York County, New York, 24 & 27 May & 3 & 13 June, 1861: The 31st New York Infantry, Company A, was mustered in United States service for two years at the old State Arsenal, on the grounds of Central Park, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 24 May, 1861; Companies B, C, D, E, F, G, and H on 27 May, 1861; Company I on 3 June, 1861; and Company K on 13 June, 1861.

City Hall Park barracks, on Chambers Street, southwest corner of Broadway & Park Row, New York City, New York County, to Rikers Island, Queens County, New York, 3 June, 1861: The 31st New York Infantry was ordered to proceed by the steamer Major Anderson to Rikers Island,Queens County, New York, in the afternoon on 3 June, 1861, and was stationed at Camp Weed, Rikers Island,Queens County, New York, between 3 and 22 June, 1861.

Camp Weed, Rikers Island, Queens County, to New York City, New York County, New York, 22 June, 1861: The 31st New York Infantry (897) was ordered to proceed by the steamer Ellsworth on the East River to New York City, New York County, New York, in the afternoon on 22 June, 1861, and arrived by ferry at East Twenty-third Street, New York City, New York County, New York, via Astoria District, Newtown, Queens County, and Greenpoint District, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, at 9.30 PM the same day.

Note: The 31st New York Infantry was stationed at City Hall Park barracks, on Chambers Street, southwest corner of Broadway and Park Row, New York City, New York County, New York, at 11 PM on 22 June, 1861.

New York City to Washington, 24-25 June, 1861

The 31st New York Infantry (825/897) was ordered to proceed by ferry on the North/ Hudson River at the Jersey City Ferry Terminal, junction of Cortlandt and West Streets, New York City, New York County, New York, to Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey, in the afternoon on 24 June, 1861, and was accompanied by a detachment of the 37th New York Infantry (34), under the command of Second Lieutenant J Brown, 31st New York Infantry, Company F. The regiment was ordered to proceed by the New Jersey Railroad at New Jersey Station, corner of Hudson and Mercer Streets, Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey, to Washington, D. C., at 6.30 PM on 24 June, 1861, and arrived by the South Camden Ferry on the Delaware River at Washington Street Wharf, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, in the morning on 25 June, 1861 (See the 37th New York Infantry).

Note: The 31st New York Infantry arrived at the wharf, junction of Montgomery and Hudson Streets, Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey, in the afternoon on 24 June, 1861.

Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, to Washington, D. C., 25 June, 1861: The 31st New York Infantry was ordered to proceed by the Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad at 4 AM on 25 June, 1861, and arrived at President Street Station, corner of President Street and Canton Avenue, Baltimore City, Maryland, at 9.30 AM the same day. The regiment was ordered to proceed by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad to Washington, D. C., at 11 AM on 25 June, 1861, and arrived by the Washington Branch, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, at Washington, D. C., via Annapolis Junction, Howard County, Maryland, at 2 PM the same day.

Note: The 31st New York Infantry arrived at Broad Street Station, corner of Broad Street and Prime Street/ Washington Avenue, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, in the morning on 25 June, 1861.

Department of Washington, 25 June-12 July, 1861

The 31st New York Infantry was stationed at woods in the vicinity of Glenwood Cemetery, east of Seventh Street Turnpike, D. C., in the evening on 25 June, 1861.

Note: The 31st New York Infantry was stationed at woods in the vicinity of Glenwood Cemetery, east of Seventh Street Turnpike, D. C., between 25 June and 8 July, 1861 (See the 29th New York Infantry).

General Orders No.13, Headquarters, Department of Northeastern Virginia, Arlington, Alexandria County, Virginia, 8 July, 1861: The 31st New York Infantry was assigned to the Second Brigade, Fifth Division, McDowell's Army, under the command of Colonel T A Davis, 16th New York infantry, by General Orders No.13, Headquarters, Department of Northeastern Virginia, Arlington, Alexandria County, Virginia, on 8 July, 1861.

Department of Northeastern Virginia, 8 July-17 August, 1861

The 31st New York Infantry was ordered by steamer across the Potomac River at the Navy Yard, on M Street, between Sixth and Ninth Streets, Washington, D. C., to Cameron Run, R F Roberts' farm, two miles west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, in the evening on 8 July, 1861.

Disposition of Second Brigade, Fifth Division, McDowell's Army, 15 July, 1861: Colonel T A Davies, 16th New York Infantry, Headquarters, Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia; 16th New York Infantry, Lieutenant Colonel S Marsh, Camp Vernon, on Cameron Run, R F Roberts' farm, two miles west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia; 18th New York Infantry, Colonel W A Jackson, east of Hunting Creek Bridge, on Hunting Creek, a quarter of a mile south of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia; 31st New York Infantry, Colonel C E Pratt, Camp Pratt, on Cameron Run, R F Roberts' farm, two miles west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia; 32nd New York Infantry, Colonel R Matheson, Camp McDougal, on Cameron Run, R F Roberts' farm, two miles west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia; 2nd United States Artillery, Light Company G, First Lieutenant O D Greene, east of Hunting Creek Bridge, on Hunting Creek, a quarter of a mile south of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia

Note: The 31st New York Infantry was stationed Camp Pratt, on Cameron Run, R F Roberts' farm, two miles west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, between 8 and 16 July, 1861.

Advance to Centreville, 16-18 July, 1861

The 31st New York Infantry was ordered to proceed by the Little River Turnpike to Annandale, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 3 PM on 16 July, 1861, and arrived at W Garges sawmill, one mile east of Annandale, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 11.30 PM the same day.

W Garges sawmill, one mile east of Annandale, to W Farr's Crossroads, one & a quarter miles south of Fairfax Courthouse, Fairfax County, Virginia, 17 July, 1861: The 31st New York Infantry was ordered to proceed by the old Braddock Road to W Farr's Crossroads, one and a quarter miles south of Fairfax Courthouse, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 6 AM on 17 July, 1861, and arrived at 1.30 PM the same day.

W Farr's Crossroads, one & a quarter miles south of Fairfax Courthouse, to Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, 18 July, 1861: The 31st New York Infantry was ordered proceed by the old Braddock Road to Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 9 AM on 18 July, 1861, and arrived at the old Braddock Road, one mile southeast of Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the afternoon the same day.

First battle of Bull Run, 21 July, 1861

The 31st New York Infantry was stationed at the old Braddock Road, one mile southeast of Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the morning on 21 July, 1861.

Advance to Blackburn's Ford, on the Bull Run River, 21 July, 1861: The 31st New York Infantry, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel W H Browne, was ordered to Blackburn's Ford, on the Bull Run River, at 2.30 AM on 21 July, 1861.

East of the road between Blackburn's Ford & Centreville, one mile north of Blackburn's Ford, on the Bull Run River, 21 July, 1861: The 31st New York Infantry was stationed east of the road between Blackburn's Ford and Centreville, one mile north of Blackburn's Ford, on the Bull Run River, on 21 July, 1861.

Troops stationed east of the road between Blackburn's Ford & Centreville, one mile north of Blackburn's Ford, on the Bull Run River, 21 July, 1861: The 16th New York Infantry, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel S Marsh; the 31st New York Infantry, under the command of Colonel C E Pratt; the 2nd United States Artillery, Light Company M, under the command of Brevet Major & Captain H J Hunt, and two 20 pounder Parrott rifles of the 1st United States Artillery, Light Company G, under the command of First Lieutenant J Edwards, Jr., 3rd United States Artillery, Company B, were stationed east of the road between Blackburn's Ford and Centreville, one mile north of Blackburn's Ford, on the Bull Run River, under the command of Colonel T A Davies, 16th New York Infantry, in the afternoon on 21 July, 1861.

Note: The 18th New York Infantry was stationed at the rear east of the road between Blackburn's Ford and Centreville, one and three quarters of a mile north of Blackburn's Ford, on the Bull Run River, and the 32nd New York Infantry at the road between Blackburn's Ford and Centreville, two miles north of Blackburn's Ford, on the Bull Run River, in the afternoon on 21 July, 1861.

Withdrawal to Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, 21 July, 1861: The 31st New York Infantry was ordered to Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 6.30 PM on 21 July, 1861.

Note: The 16th New York Infantry, the 18th New York Infantry, the 31st New York Infantry, and the 32nd New York Infantry were stationed as a reserve one and a half miles southwest of Centreville and on the heights east of Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the evening on 21 July, 1861.

Retreat to Washington, 21-22 July, 1861

The 31st New York Infantry was ordered to Fairfax Courthouse, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 11 PM on 21 July, 1861, and arrived at Camp Pratt, on Cameron Run, R F Roberts' farm, two miles west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, at 9 AM on 22 July, 1861.

Return of casualties in the 31st New York Infantry, Second Brigade, Fifth Division, Army of Northeastern Virginia, at the battle of Bull Run, 21 July, 1861: Wounded 1, captured/missing 1, total 2

Note: Private A Strauss, 31st New York Infantry, Company C, was captured at the battle of first Bull Run, on 21 July, 1861.

Note: The 31st New York Infantry was stationed at Camp Pratt, on Cameron Run, west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, on 28 July, 1861.

Camp Pratt, on Cameron Run, west of Alexandria, to Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, 16 August, 1861: The 31st New York Infantry arrived at Camp Misery, northeast of Fort Ellsworth, on Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, in the morning on 16 August, 1861.

Note: The 18th New York Infantry arrived at Camp Misery, northeast of Fort Ellsworth, on Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, in the morning on 15 August, 1861, and 15th New York Infantry and the 32nd New York Infantry in the morning on 16 August, 1861.

Mustered out, New York City, New York County, New York, 4 June, 1863: The three years' men of the 31st New York Infantry were assigned to the 121st New York Infantry on 26 May, 1863, and the 31st New York Infantry was mustered out at New York City, New York County, New York, on 4 June, 1863.

Colonel D S Miles, 2nd United States Infantry, Fifth Division, McDowell's Army, 8 July, 1861: Colonel D S Miles, 2nd United States Infantry, was stationed at Fort Kearney, on the Platte River, Nebraska Territory, on 14 April, 1861, and was ordered to Fort Leavenworth, on the Missouri River, four miles north of Leavenworth, Leavenworth County, Kansas, on 15 April, 1861. He was accompanied by the 2nd United States Infantry, Companies E and F, and arrived at Fort Leavenworth, on the Missouri River, four miles north of Leavenworth, Leavenworth County, Kansas, in the afternoon on 29 April, 1861. Colonel D S Miles was ordered to Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, on 22 May, 1861, dated 4 May, 1861, and arrived on 29 May, 1861. He arrived at Camp Brady/ Miles, M Harchelford's farm, east of the Franklin Railroad, two miles southwest of Chambersburg, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, in the morning on 8 June, 1861, and was accompanied by the 2nd United States Infantry, Company K. Colonel D S Miles, 2nd United States Infantry, was ordered to proceed by the Cumberland Valley Railroad to Washington, D. C., on 18 June, 1861, and was accompanied by the 2nd United States Infantry, Companies C and K; the 3rd United States Infantry, Companies B, D, G, H, and K; and the 8th United States Infantry, Company G. He arrived by the Washington Branch, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, via Hagerstown, Washington County, Maryland, and Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at 1 AM on 20 June, 1861, and was assigned to command the Fifth Division, McDowell's Army, by General Orders No.13, Headquarters, Department of Northeastern Virginia, Arlington, Alexandria County, Virginia, on 8 July, 1861.

Note: Cadet A H Cushing, United States Military Academy, was ordered to Washington, D. C., on 30 June, 1861, and arrived in the morning on 3 July, 1861. He was appointed second lieutenant, 4th United States Artillery, Company H, by General Orders No.41, War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., on 3 July, 1861, dated 24 June, 1861, and was assigned to special duty as a drill instructor at Washington, D. C., in the afternoon on 3 July, 1861. Second Lieutenant A H Cushing, 4th United States Artillery, Company H, was appointed aide de camp to Colonel D S Miles, 2nd United States Infantry, at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861.

Colonel T A Davies, 16th New York Infantry, Second Brigade, Fifth Division, McDowell's Army, 15 May, 1861: T A Davies was appointed colonel, 16th New York Infantry, on 15 May, 1861, and was assigned to command the Second Brigade, Fifth Division, McDowell's Army, by General Orders No.13, Headquarters, Department of Northeastern Virginia, Arlington, Alexandria County, Virginia, on 8 July, 1861.

Organisation of Brigadier General W B Franklin's brigade, Division of the Potomac, 4 August, 1861: Brigadier General W B Franklin, United States Volunteers; 15th New York Infantry, Colonel J M Murphy; 18th New York Infantry, Colonel W A Jackson; 31st New York Infantry, Colonel C E Pratt; 32nd New York Infantry, Colonel R Matheson; 1st New York Cavalry, Company C, Captain W H Boyd; 2nd United States Artillery, Light Company M, First Lieutenant E R Platt

Note: The 12th New York Infantry was assigned to Brigadier General W B Franklin's brigade, Division of the Potomac, by Special Orders No.10, Headquarters, Division of the Potomac, Washington, D. C., on 4 August, 1861.


OFFICIAL REPORT NO.60: Series I, Volume 2 (Serial No.2), Chapter IX, pp434-435
Colonel C E Pratt, Thirty-first New York Infantry, Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, 22 July, 1861

OFFICIAL REPORT NO.58: Series I, Volume 2 (Serial No.2), Chapter IX, pp433-434
Colonel T A Davis, Second Brigade, Fifth Division, McDowell's Army, dated 25 July, 1861

OFFICIAL REPORT NO.56: Series I, Volume 2 (Serial No.2), Chapter IX, pp422-426
Colonel D S Miles, Second United States Infantry, Fifth Division, McDowell's Army, dated 17 July, 1861; Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, 19 July, 1861; in the vicinity of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, 24 July, 1861