Third Brigade, Third Division
Lieutenant Colonel G J Stannard, 2nd Vermont Infantry
Second Vermont Infantry
Mustered in United States service for three years 20 June, 1861. Arrived at Washington, D. C., 26 June, 1861
H Whiting was appointed colonel,
2nd Vermont Infantry, at St Johnsbury, Caledonia County, Vermont, on 6 June, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for three years at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, by Lieutenant Colonel G J Rains, 5th United States Infantry, on 20 June, 1861.
G J Stannard was appointed lieutenant colonel, 2nd Vermont Infantry, at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, on 6 June, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for three years by Lieutenant Colonel G J Rains, 5th United States Infantry, on 20 June, 1861.
Major C H Joyce, 1st Vermont Militia, was appointed colonel, 2nd Vermont Infantry, at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, on 6 June, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for three years by Lieutenant Colonel G J Rains, 5th United States Infantry, on 20 June, 1861. Major C H Joyce, 2nd Vermont Infantry, resigned at Camp Bush Hill, F Forrest's plantation, Clermont, a quarter of a mile south of Bush Hill/ Scott's farm, Fairfax County, Virginia, on 10 August, 1861.
- Company A Bennington Union Guards: CAPT. J H WALBRIDGE
The company was accepted in state service for three years at Bennington, Bennington County, Vermont, on 7 May, 1861, and J H Walbridge was appointed captain, 2nd Vermont Infantry, Company A, on 16 May, 1861. The company was mustered in United States service for three years at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, by Lieutenant Colonel G J Rains, 5th United States Infantry, on 20 June, 1861. - Company B: CAPT. J HOPE
The company was accepted in state service for three years at Castleton, Rutland County, Vermont, on 8 May, 1861, and awas mustered in United States service for three years at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, by Lieutenant Colonel G J Rains, 5th United States Infantry, on 20 June, 1861. - Company C: CAPT. E A TODD
The company was accepted in state service for three years at Brattleboro, Windham County, Vermont, on 1 May, 1861, and E A Todd was appointed captain, 2nd Vermont Infantry, Company C, on 17 May, 1861. The company was mustered in United States service for three years at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, by Lieutenant Colonel G J Rains, 5th United States Infantry, on 20 June, 1861. Captain E A Todd, 2nd Vermont Infantry, Company C, was wounded at the first battle of Bull Run in 21 July, 1861, and was on a leave of absence on 31 July, 1861. - Company D: CAPT. C DILLINGHAM
The company was accepted in state service for three years at Waterbury, Washington County, Vermont, on 7 May, 1861, and C Dillingham was appointed captain, 2nd Vermont Infantry, Company D, on 20 May, 1861. The company was mustered in United States service for three years at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, by Lieutenant Colonel G J Rains, 5th United States Infantry, on 20 June, 1861. - Company E Tunbridge Light Infantry: CAPT. R Smith
The company was accepted in state service for three years at Tunbridge, Orange County, Vermont, on 22 April, 1861, and R Smith was appointed captain, 2nd Vermont Infantry, Company E, on 21 May, 1861. The company was mustered in United States service for three years at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, by Lieutenant Colonel G J Rains, 5th United States Infantry, on 20 June, 1861. - Company F Capital Guards: CAPT. F V RANDALL
The company was accepted in state service for three years at Montpelier, Washington County, Vermont, on 7 May, 1861, and F V Randall was appointed captain, 2nd Vermont Infantry, Company F, on 20 May, 1861. The company was mustered in United States service for three years at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, by Lieutenant Colonel G J Rains, 5th United States Infantry, on 20 June, 1861. - Company G Vermont Guards: CAPT. J T DREW
The company was accepted in state service for three years at Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, on 7 May, 1861, and was stationed at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, on 6 June, 1861. Captain J T Drew, 2nd Vermont Infantry, Company G, was sick and captured at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861.
- Company H Green Mountain Rifles: CAPT. W T Burnham
The company was accepted in state service for three years at Fletcher, Franklin County, Vermont, on 7 May, 1861, and Captain Z W Strait, 2nd Vermont Infantry, Company H, was determined to be too old for active duty by a physical examination on 8 June, 1861. Captain W T Burnham, Green Mountain Boys, was appointed captain, 2nd Vermont Infantry, Company H, in the afternoon on 12 June, 1861, and the company was mustered in United States service for three years at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, by Lieutenant Colonel G J Rains, 5th United States Infantry, on 20 June, 1861. First Lieutenant J B Case, 2nd Vermont Infantry, Company H, was assigned to command the company at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861, and Captain W T Burnham, 2nd Vermont Infantry, Company H, resigned on 25 October, 1861. - Company I: CAPT. V S FULLAM
The company was accepted in state service for three years at Ludlow, Windsor County, Vermont, on 7 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for three years at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, by Lieutenant Colonel G J Rains, 5th United States Infantry, on 20 June, 1861. - Company K (1st) Winooski Volunteers: CAPT. J Lonergan
The company was mustered in state service for three years at Winooski, Chittenden County, Vermont, on 21 May, 1861, and was disbanded at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, on 18 June, 1861. Captain J Lonergan, 2nd Vermont Infantry, Company K (1st), was appointed captain, 13th Vermont Infantry, Company A, on 10 October, 1862. - Company K (2nd): CAPT. S Eaton
The company was accepted in state service for three years at Vergennes, Addison County, Vermont, on 7 May, 1861, and The company was mustered in United States service for three years at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, by Lieutenant Colonel G J Rains, 5th United States Infantry, on 20 June, 1861. - Bennington Town Band: Band Ldr. F M Crossett
The band (23) was accepted in state service for three years at Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, on 15 June, 1861, and were mustered in United States service at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, by Lieutenant Colonel G J Rains, 5th United States Infantry, on 20 June, 1861. The twenty-three musicians were discharged in 19 December, 1861.
Organisation of 2nd Vermont Infantry at the first battle of Bull Run, 21 July, 1861: Colonel H Whiting, Lieutenant Colonel G J Stannard, Major C H Joyce; Company A, Bennington Union Guards, Captain J H Walbridge; Company B, Captain J Hope; Company C, Captain E A Todd; Company D, Captain C Dillingham; Company E, Tunbridge Light Infantry, Captain R Smith; Company F, Capital Guards, Captain F V Randall; Company G, Vermont Guards, Captain J T Drew*; Company H, Green Mountain Rifles, Captain W T Burnham; Company I, Captain V S Fillam; Company K (2nd), Captain S Eaton
*Second Lieutenant A H Weed, 2nd Vermont Infantry, Company G, was assigned to command the 2nd Vermont Infantry, Company G, on 21 July, 1861
"Company C, 2nd Regiment, left this village for Camp Underwood at Burlington on Thursday of last week."
Vermont Phoenix (Brattleboro, Windham County, Vermont), 13 June, 1861 - Left for Burlington
"Major W. T. Burnham, of this village, the Captain of the 'Green Mountain Boys' was yesterday almost unanimously chosen Captain of the Fletcher Company in the Second Regiment, capt. Strait, of that Company, being too old to pass inspection."
Daily Green Mountain Freeman (Montpelier, Washington County, Vermont), 13 June, 1861
"The second Vermont regiment is expected at the depot this afternoon at 2 p.m. by way of the Northern Central railroad."
Evening Star (Washington, D. C.), 26 June, 1861 - Military arrivals
"The second Vermont regiment, numbering 950 fine-looking men, nearly all of whom are six-footers, and plucky in proportion to their height, arrived here at two o'clock yesterday afternoon, and immediately proceeded to Isherwood's farm, near Benning's Bridge, where they went into an encampment. They are neatly uniformed in grey, and very well drilled."
National Republican (Washington, D. C.), 27 June, 1861 - Arrival of the Green Mountain Boys
"The second Vermont regiment, Col. Whiting, left their camp, near the Almshouse, about noon yesterday, and passed over the Long Bridge to join the forces under Gen. McDowell."
National Republican (Washington, D. C.), 11 July, 1861 - Gone to Virginia
"Fairfax, 13 July, 1861 - We are united in Brigade with the 3d, 4th and 5th Regiments of Maine, under Brigadier General Howard. I was detached night before last, in connection with Co. A and B, to advance along the line of Railroad, and place pickets, and guard an accompanying working party who are repairing the Railroad."
Daily Green Mountain Freeman (Montpelier, Washington County, Vermont), 17 July, 1861 - Correspondence of the Freeman, from the Second Vermont Regiment
"At present we are situated on a fine plantation between Alexandria and Manasas Junction, very near the Railroad track. There are five Regiments in camp at the right of us, of which a Brigade will be formed very soon."
Daily Green Mountain Freeman (Montpelier, Washington County, Vermont), 18 July, 1861 - Camp of the Second Vermont Regiment, 8 miles from Alexandria, Va., 13 July
"When I last wrote we were in Alexandria. We came back to Bush Hill, (that is, the 3d brigade, under Col. Howard, including the Vt. 2d,) our old camping ground, 5 miles West of Alexandria, on the 25th of July, where we still remain, the picket guard of this division of the army."
Lamoille Newsdealer (Hyde Park, Lamoille County, Vermont), 16 August, 1861 - Headquarters, 2d Vt, Regt., Camp Bush Hill, Co. F, 4 Aug, 1861
Books/ Manuscripts
The Second Vermont Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 1861-1865, by Paul G Zeller
Report of the Adjutant & Inspector General of the State of Vermont, from 1 October, 1863-1, October, 1864, Montpellier: Walton's Steam Press, 1864
A war of the people: Vermont Civil War letters, by Jeffery D Marshall
Vermont in the civil war: A history of the part taken by the Vermont soldiers and sailors in the war for the union, 1861-5, by G G Benedict
The Union Army: A history of military affairs in the loyal states 1861-65, records of the regiments in the Union Army, cyclopedia of battles, memoirs of commanders and soldiers, Volume 1, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Delaware
The 2nd Vermont Infantry was authorised by a proclamation calling for 42,034 volunteers to serve three years, unless sooner discharged, by General Orders No.15, War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., on 4 May, 1861, dated 3 May, 1861, and was accepted in state service for three years at Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, on 3 June, 1861.
Note: H Whiting was appointed colonel, 2nd Vermont Infantry, at St Johnsbury, Caledonia County, Vermont, on 6 June, 1861, and arrived at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, on 7 June, 1861. Colonel H Whiting, 2nd Vermont Infantry, was assigned to command the 2nd Vermont Infantry in the morning on 8 June, 1861.
Recruiting offices & officers, Adjutant & Inspector General's Office, Rutland, Rutland County, Vermont, 3 May, 1861: Fletcher, Franklin County, Vermont, Z W Strait; Ludlow, Windsor County, Vermont, V S Fullam; Bennington, Bennington County, Vermont, J H Walbridge; Tunbridge, Orange County, Vermont, R Smith; Montpelier, Washington County, Vermont, F V Randall; Castleton, Rutland County, Vermont, J Hope; Waterbury, Washington County, Vermont, C Dillingham
Note: The 2nd Vermont Infantry was ordered to rendezvous at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, by General Orders No.14, Adjutant & Inspector General's Office, Rutland, Rutland County, Vermont, on 6 June, 1861, dated 3 June, 1861.
Organisation of 2nd Vermont Infantry, 6 June, 1861: Colonel (Vacant), Lieutenant Colonel G J Stannard, Major C H Joyce; Drum Major C F Remick; Company A, Captain J H Walbridge; Company B, Captain J Hope; Company C, Captain E A Todd; Company D, Captain C Dillingham; Company E, Captain R Smith; Company F, Captain F V Randall; Company G, Captain J T Drew; Company H, Captain Z W Strait; Company J, Captain V S Fullam; Company K, Captain J Lonergan; Band (24), Principal Musician J B Stone
Montpelier, Washington County, to Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, Company F, 6 June, 1861: The Capital Guards was ordered to proceed by the Vermont Central Railroad to Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, at 7 AM on 6 June, 1861, and arrived at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, 11 AM the same day.
Bennington, Bennington County; Castleton, Rutland County; Brattleboro, Windham County; & Ludlow, Windsor County, to Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, Companies A, B, C, & I, 6 June, 1861: The Bennington Union Guards and Hope's company, Todd's company, and Fullam's company arrived by the Rutland & Vermont Railroad at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, in the evening on 6 June, 1861.
Tunbridge, Orange County, to Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, Company E, 6 June, 1861: Smith's company arrived by the Vermont Central Railroad at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, in the evening on 6 June, 1861.
Fletcher, Franklin County, to Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, Company H, 7 June, 1861: The Green Mountain Rifles arrived by the Vermont & Canada Railroad at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, in the morning on 7 June, 1861.
Note: W T Burnham was appointed captain, Green Mountain Boys, at Montpelier, Washington County, Vermont, at 1 PM on 10 May, 1861, and was appointed captain, 2nd Vermont Infantry, Company H, in the afternoon on 12 June, 1861. Captain W T Burnham, 2nd Vermont Infantry, Company H, was not present at the first battle of Bull Run due to fatigue on 21 July, 1861.
Camp Baxter, Caledonia County Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, one mile north of St Johnsbury, Caledonia County, to Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, Company K (2nd), 17 June, 1861: Eaton's company was stationed at Camp Baxter, Caledonia County Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, one mile south of St Johnsbury, Caledonia County, Vermont, as part of the 3rd Vermont Infantry, on 16 June, 1861, and was ordered to proceed by the Connecticut & Passumpsic Rivers Railroad to Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, at 8 AM on 17 June, 1861 (See the Volunteers, Department of Washington).
Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett & Pitkins Streets, & North & North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, 8-20 June, 1861: The 2nd Vermont Infantry was stationed at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, between 8 and 24 June, 1861.
Note: The Winooski Volunteers, under the command of Captain J Lonergan, was disbanded at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, on 18 June, 1861.
Mustered for three years, Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett & Pitkins Streets, & North & North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, 20 June, 1861: The 2nd Vermont Infantry was mustered in United States service for three years at Camp Underwood, State Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, between Blodgett and Pitkins Streets, and North and North Bend Streets, Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, by Lieutenant Colonel G J Rains, 5th United States Infantry, on 20 June, 1861.
Burlington to Washington, 24-26 June, 1861
The 2nd Vermont Infantry (950) was ordered to proceed by the Rutland & Burlington Railroad to Washington, D. C., at 9.15 AM on 24 June, 1861, and arrived by the Troy & Boston Railroad at Troy, Rensselaer County, New York, via Rutland, Rutland County, Vermont, at 6 PM the same day. The regiment was ordered to proceed by the Hudson River Railroad to New York City, New York County, New York, at 8 PM on 24 June, 1861, and arrived at the Hudson River Railroad Station, on West Thirtieth Street, New York City, New York County, New York, at 6 AM on 25 June, 1861.
Note: The 2nd Vermont Infantry was stationed City Hall Park barracks, on Chambers Street, southwest corner of Broadway and Park Row, New York City, New York County, New York, in the morning on 25 June, 1861.
New York City, New York County, New York, to Washington, D. C., 25-26 June, 1861: The 2nd Vermont Infantry was ordered to proceed by ferry on the North/Hudson River at the Jersey City Ferry Terminal, on Cortlandt Street, New York City, New York County, New York, at 4.30 PM on 25 June, 1861, and was ordered to proceed by the New Jersey Railroad at 5.30 PM the same day. The regiment arrived by ferry on the Delaware River at Washington Street Wharf, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, at 12 AM on 26 June, 1861, and at Broad Street Station, corner of Broad Street and Washington Avenue/ Prime Street, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, in the morning the same day. The 2nd Vermont Infantry was ordered to proceed by Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad to Washington, D. C., at 1.30/3 AM on 26 June, 1861, and arrived at Perryville, Cecil County, Maryland, at 6.30 AM the same day. The regiment was ordered to proceed by the steamer Maryland on the Susquenhanna River to Harve de Grace, Harford County, Maryland, in the morning on 26 June, 1861, and arrived by the Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad at President Street Station, corner of President Street and Canton Avenue, Baltimore City, Maryland, at 9/9.30 AM the same day. The 2nd Vermont Infantry arrived by the Washington Branch, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, at Washington, D. C., via Annapolis Junction, Howard County, Maryland, at 11 AM on 26 June, 1861.
Department of Washington, 26 June-10 July, 1861
The 2nd Vermont Infantry arrived at Camp Fairbanks, K Esherwood's farm, three quarters of a mile southeast of Benning's/ Anacostia Bridge, on the Eastern Branch of the Potomac River/ Anacostia River, D. C., in the evening on 26 June, 1861.
Note: A detachment of the 2nd Vermont Infantry, under the command of First Lieutenant W A Philips, 2nd Vermont Infantry, Company F, was ordered to Washington, D. C., at 9 AM on 6 July 1861, and arrived by the Hudson River Railroad at New York City, New York County, New York, in the morning on 7 July, 1861. The detachment was ordered to proceed by the New Jersey Railroad to Washington, D. C., at 6 PM on 8 July, 1861, and was accompanied by the 2nd United States Dragoons, Company K; the 1st United States Cavalry, Companies A and E; and the 1st United States Artillery, Light Company G. The detachment of the 2nd Vermont Infantry arrived at Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, via Camden, Camden County, New Jersey, at 10 PM on 8 July, 1861, and by the Philadelphia, Wilmington, & Baltimore Railroad at Baltimore City, Maryland, at 5.30 AM on 9 July, 1861. The detachment was ordered to proceed by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad to Washington, D. C., at 2 PM the same day and arrived by the Washington Branch, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, in the evening on 9 July, 1861.
General Orders No.13, Headquarters, Department of Northeastern Virginia, Arlington, Alexandria County, Virginia 8 July, 1861: The 2nd Vermont Infantry was assigned to the Third Brigade, Third Division, McDowell's Army, under the command of Colonel O O Howard, by General Orders No.13, Headquarters, Department of Northeastern Virginia, Arlington, Alexandria County, Virginia, on 8 July, 1861.
Note: Colonel O O Howard, 3rd Maine Infantry, was assigned to command the 3rd Maine Infantry, the 4th Maine Infantry, the 5th Maine Infantry, and the 2nd Vermont Infantry, on 7 July, 1861, and the 2nd Vermont Infantry was stationed at Camp Fairbanks, K Esherwood's farm, three quarters of a mile southeast of Benning's/ Anacostia Bridge, on the Eastern Branch of the Potomac River/ Anacostia River, D. C., between 26 June and 10 July, 1861.
Department of Northeastern Virginia, 10 July-13 august, 1861
The 2nd Vermont Infantry was ordered to Sixth Street wharf, Washington, D. C., at 8/9 AM on 10 July, 1861, and arrived by the steamers Baltimore and Philadelphia on the Potomac River at Kings Street wharf, Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, at 4 PM the same day. The regiment was ordered to proceed by the Orange & Alexandria Railroad to F Forrest's farm, Clermont, on Bush Hill, one mile southeast of Cloud's Mill, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 6 PM on 10 July, 1861, and was stationed at Camp Bush Hill/ Clermont, 440 yards south of the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, F Forrest's farm, Clermont, on Bush Hill, one mile southeast of Cloud's Mill, Fairfax County, Virginia, between 10 and 16 July, 1861.
Note: The 11th New York Infantry, Company E, was stationed at Kings Street wharf, Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, at 4 PM on 10 July, 1861, and the 3rd Maine Infantry and the 4th Maine Infantry arrived at F Forrest's farm, Clermont, on Bush Hill, one mile southeast of Cloud's Mill, Fairfax County, Virginia, on 11 July, 1861.
Reconnaissance to Back Lick Creek, Companies A, B, & F, 11-12 July, 1861
The 2nd Vermont Infantry, Companies A and B, under the command of Major C H Joyce, were ordered to proceed by the Orange & Alexandria Railroad to Back Lick Creek, a quarter of a mile east of Springfield Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the morning on 11 July, 1861, and were assigned to guard duty at the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, on Back Lick Creek, a quarter of a mile east of Springfield Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, between 11 and 12 July, 1861.
Note: The 2nd Vermont Infantry, Companies A and B, arrived at Orange & Alexandria Railroad, on Back Lick Creek, a quarter of a mile east of Springfield Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 3 PM on 11 July, 1861.
Camp Bush Hill/ Clermont, 440 yards south of the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, F Forrest's farm, Clermont, on Bush Hill, one mile southeast of Cloud's Mill, to Back Lick Creek, a quarter of a mile east of Springfield Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, Company F, 12 July, 1861: The 2nd Vermont Infantry, Company F, was ordered to proceed by the Orange & Alexandria Railroad to Back Lick Creek, a quarter of a mile east of Springfield Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the evening on 11 July, 1861, and arrived at 1 AM on 12 July, 1861.
Note: A detachment of the 2nd Vermont Infantry, Company B, under the command of Second Lieutenant E E Johnson, was ordered to Springfield Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, on 11 July, 1861.
Camp Bush Hill/ Clermont, 440 yards south of the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, F Forrest's farm, Clermont, on Bush Hill, one mile southeast of Cloud's Mill, Fairfax County, Virginia, Companies A & B, & F, 12 July, 1861: The 2nd Vermont Infantry (250), Companies A, B, and F, under the command of Major C H Joyce, arrived at Camp Bush Hill/ Clermont, 440 yards south of the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, F Forrest's farm, Clermont, on Bush Hill, one mile southeast of Cloud's Mill, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the evening on 12 July, 1861.
Note: Four companies of the 3rd Maine Infantry arrived at Black Lick Creek, a quarter of a mile east of Springfield Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 12 PM on 12 July, 1861.
Reconnaissance to Springfield Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, 5 companies, 13-14 July, 1861: Five companies of the 2nd Vermont Infantry, under the command of Major C H Joyce, were ordered to proceed by the Orange & Alexandria Railroad to Springfield Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the evening on 13 July, 1861, and arrived at Camp Bush Hill/ Clermont, 440 yards south of the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, F Forrest's farm, Clermont, on Bush Hill, one mile southeast of Cloud's Mill, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 12 PM on 14 July, 1861.
Disposition of Third Brigade, Third Division, McDowell's Army, 15 July, 1861: Colonel O O Howard, 3rd Maine Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Washburn, F Forrest's farm, Clermont, on Bush Hill, one mile southeast of Cloud's Mill, Fairfax County, Virginia; 2nd Vermont Infantry, Colonel H Whiting, Camp Bush Hill/ Clermont, 440 yards south of the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, F Forrest's farm, Clermont, on Bush Hill, one mile southeast of Cloud's Mill, Fairfax County, Virginia; 3rd Maine Infantry, Lieutenant Colonel I N Tucker, Camp Washburn, F Forrest's farm, Clermont, on Bush Hill, one mile southeast of Cloud's Mill, Fairfax County, Virginia; 4th Maine Infantry, Colonel H G Berry, Camp Knox, F Forrest's farm, Clermont, on Bush Hill, one mile southeast of Cloud's Mill, Fairfax County, Virginia; 5th Maine Infantry, Colonel M H Dunnell, F Forrest's farm, Clermont, on Bush Hill, one mile southeast of Cloud's Mill, Fairfax County, Virginia
Advance to Centreville, 16-18 July, 1861
The 2nd Vermont Infantry was ordered to proceed by the Old Fairfax Road to Bone Mill, on the west side of Accotink Creek, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 3 PM on 16 July, 1861, and arrived at the east side of Pohick Run, two miles west of Bone Mill, on the west side of Accotink Creek, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 7 PM the same day.
Pohick Run, two miles west of Bone Mill, on the west side of Accontik Creek, to Sangster's Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, 17 July, 1861: The 2nd Vermont Infantry was ordered to Sangster's/ W Elzey's Crossroads, two miles south of Fairfax Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 5 AM on 17 July, 1861, and arrived by the Pohick Road at 12 PM the same day. The regiment arrived at Sangster's Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 5 PM on 17 July, 1861.
Note: The Third Brigade, Third Division, McDowell's Army, was stationed as a reserve at Sangster's/ W Elzey's Crossroads, two miles south of Fairfax Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the afternoon on 17 July, 1861.
Sangster' Station to Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, 18 July, 1861: The 2nd Vermont Infantry was ordered to Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 5 PM on 18 July, 1861, and arrived at the old Braddock Road, one and a half miles southeast of Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 9 PM the same day.
First battle of Bull Run, 21 July, 1861
The 2nd Vermont Infantry was stationed at the old Braddock Road, one and a half miles southeast of Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the morning on 21 July, 1861.
Advance to Sudley Ford, on the Bull Run River, 21 July, 1861: The 2nd Vermont Infantry was ordered to Sudley Ford, on the Bull Run River, at 5.30 AM on 21 July, 1861.
Note: The 2nd Vermont Infantry was stationed north of the Warrenton Turnpike, two miles west of Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 12 PM on 21 July, 1861, and arrived at Sudley Ford, on the Bull Run River, at 2 PM the same day.
Advance to Chinn Ridge, half a mile southeast of Groveton, Prince William County, Virginia, 21 July, 1861: The 2nd Vermont Infantry was ordered across Sudley Spring's Ford, on Catharpin Run, to Chinn Ridge, half a mile southeast of Groveton, Prince William County, Virginia, at 2.15 PM on 21 July, 1861.
Withdrawal to Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, 21 July, 1861: The 2nd Vermont Infantry was ordered to the old Braddock Road, one and a half miles southeast of Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 4 PM on 21 July, 1861.
Note: Captain J T Drew and First Lieutenant D L Sharpley, 2nd Vermont Infantry, Company G, were detained during the march to Sudley Ford, on the Bull Run River, at 5.30 AM on 21 July, 1861.
Retreat to Washington, 21-22 July, 1861
The 2nd Vermont Infantry arrived at the old Braddock Road, one and a half miles southeast of Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 10 PM on 21 July, 1861, and was ordered to Fairfax Courthouse, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the evening the same day. The regiment arrived at Fairfax Courthouse, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 3/4 AM on 22 July, 1861, and was ordered to Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, in the morning the same day.
Camp Bush Hill/ Clermont, 440 yards south of the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, F Forrest's farm, Clermont, on Bush Hill, one mile southeast of Cloud's Mill, Fairfax County, to Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, 22 July, 1861: The 2nd Vermont Infantry arrived at Camp Bush Hill/ Clermont, 440 yards south of the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, F Forrest's farm, Clermont, on Bush Hill, one mile southeast of Cloud's Mill, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the morning on 22 July, 1861, and by the Orange & Alexandria Railroad at Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, at 10 AM/1 PM the same day.
List of killed, etc, 2nd Vermont Infantry, at the first battle of Bull Run, 21 July, 1861: Killed 2, wounded 35, wounded/ captured 21, captured 10, total 68
Return of casualties in the 2nd Vermont Infantry, Third Brigade, Third Division, Army of Northeastern Virginia, at the battle of Bull Run, 21 July, 1861: Killed 3, wounded 43, captured/missing 25, total 71
List of killed, wounded & missing, 2nd Vermont Infantry, Camp Bush Hill/ Clermont, F Forrest's plantation, Clermont, a quarter of a mile south of Bush Hill/ Scott's farm, Fairfax County, Virginia, 31 July, 1861: Company A, w/m 1, m 1, t 2; Company B, w 6, w/m 3, t 9; Company C, k 2, w 2, w/m 3, m 5, t 12; Company D, w 4, m 3, t 7; Company E, w 2, w/m 1, m 1, t 4; Company F, k 1, w 3, w/m 1, t 5; Company G, w 3, m 4, t 7; Company H, w 5, w/m 3, m 1, t 9; Company I, w 5, w/m 2, t 7; Company K, w 2, m 1, t 3; Killed 3, wounded 32, wounded/missing 14, missing 16, total 65
Rendezvous at Market House, on North B Street, between Seventh & Ninth Streets, Washington, D. C., 24 July, 1861: The 2nd Vermont Infantry, the 3rd Maine Infantry, the 4th Maine Infantry, and the 5th Maine Infantry were ordered to rendezvous at Centre Market House, on North B Street, between Seventh and Ninth Streets, Washington, D. C., at 12 PM on 24 July, 1861.
Note: The 2nd Vermont Infantry, Company F, was stationed at the Courthouse, on Columbus Street, between Queen and Princes' Srteet, Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, on 23 July, 1861, and 8 August, 1861.
Alexandria, Alexandria County, to F Forrest's farm, Clermont, on Bush Hill, one mile southeast of Cloud's Mill, Fairfax County, Virginia, 25 July, 1861: The 2nd Vermont Infantry, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel G J Stannard, was ordered to F Forrest's plantation, Clermont, on Bush Hill, one mile southeast of Cloud's Mill, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the evening on 25 July, 1861, and was stationed at Camp Bush Hill/ Clermont, 440 yards south of the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, F Forrest's plantation, Clermont, on Bush Hill, one mile southeast of Cloud's Mill, Fairfax County, Virginia, between 25 July and 12 August, 1861.
Note: Colonel H Whiting, 2nd Vermont Infantry, was stationed at Washington, D. C., on 25 July, 1861, and the 2nd Vermont Infantry was stationed at Camp Bush Hill/ Clermont, 440 yards south of the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, F Forrest's farm, Clermont, on Bush Hill, one mile southeast of Cloud's Mill, Fairfax County, Virginia, on 4 August, 1861.
Camp Bush Hill/ Clermont, 440 yards south of the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, F Forrest's farm, Clermont, on Bush Hill, one mile southeast of Cloud's Mill, Fairfax County, Virginia, to Chain/ Little Falls Bridge, on the Potomac River, D. C., 12-13 August, 1861: The 2nd Vermont Infantry arrived by the Orange & Alexandria Railroad at Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, at 9 PM on 12 August, 1861, and arrived at Camp Lyon, on the heights east of the Chain/ Little Falls Bridge, on the Potomac River, D. C., at 10 AM on 13 August, 1861.
Note: The 3rd Vermont Infantry was ordered to the heights east of the Chain/ Little Falls Bridge, on the Potomac River, D. C., at 1 PM on 27 July, 1861, and the 2nd Vermont Infantry was stationed at the east side of the Long Bridge, on the Potomac River, at Washington, D. C., in the evening on 12 August, 1861 (See the Volunteers, Department of Washington).
Mustered out, Hall's Hill, on Cow Run, one & a half miles northwest of Balls Crossroads, Alexandria County, Virginia, 15 July, 1865: The 2nd Vermont Infantry, under the command of Colonel A S Tracy, was mustered out at Hall's Hill, on Cow Run, one and a half miles northwest of Balls Crossroads, Alexandria County, Virginia, by Brevet Major & Captain A M Tyler, Assistant Commissary of Musters, First Division, Sixth Corps, Army of the Potomac, on 15 July, 1865.
Note: The three years' men of the 2nd Vermont Infantry were mustered out at Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont,on 29 June, 1864, and the men of the 2nd Vermont Infantry whose term of service expired prior to 1 October, 1865, were mustered out at Ball's Crossroads, Fairfax County, Virginia, on 19 June, 1865..
Colonel O O Howard, 3rd Maine Infantry, Third Brigade, Third, Division, McDowell's Army, 28 May, 1861: First Lieutenant O O Howard, United States Ordnance Department, was appointed colonel, 3rd Maine Infantry, on 28 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for three years at Augusta, Kennebec County, Maine, by Captain T Hight, United States Dragoons, Company I, on 4 June, 1861. Colonel O O Howard, 3rd Maine Infantry, was assigned to command the 3rd Maine Infantry, the 4th Maine Infantry, the 5th Maine Infantry, and the 2nd Vermont Infantry, on 7 July, 1861, and was appointed brigadier general, United States Volunteers, by General Orders No.106, Paragraph IV, Headquarters of the Army, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., on 5 December, 1861, on 3 September, 1861.
General Orders No.64, Paragraph IV, War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., 22 August, 1861, dated 7 June, 1861: The resignation of First Lieutenant O O Howard, United States Ordnance Department, was accepted by General Orders No.64, Paragraph IV, War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., on 22 August, 1861, dated 7 June, 1861, and arrived at Augusta, Kennebec County, Maine, on 29 May, 1861.
Note: Cadets D H Buel and A Mordecai, Jr., United States Military Academy, were ordered to Washington, D. C., on 30 June, 1861, and arrived in the morning on 3 July, 1861. Cadet D H Buel, United States Military Academy, was appointed brevet second lieutenant, 1st United States Dragoons, and Cadet A Mordecai, Jr., United States Military Academy, brevet second lieutenant, United States Corps Topograhical Engineers, by General Orders No.41, War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., on 3 July, 1861, dated 24 June, 1861, and were assigned to special duty as a drill instructor at Washington, D. C., in the afternoon on 3 July, 1861. Brevet Second Lieutenants D H Buel, 1st United States Dragoons, and A Mordecai, Jr., United States Corps Topograhical Engineers, were appointed aide de camps to Colonel O O Howard, 3rd Maine Infantry, at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861.
Colonel S P Heintzelman, 17th United States Infantry, Third Division, McDowell's Army, 18 June, 1861, dated 14 May, 1861: Major S P Heintzelman, 1st United States Infantry, was ordered to Washington, D. C., by General Orders No.12, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., on 27 April, 1861, and to proceed by the New Jersey Railroad in the morning on 3 May, 1861. He arrived by the Washington Branch, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, in the morning on 4 May, 1861, and was appointed acting inspector general, Department of Washington, by Special Orders No.20, Headquarters, Department of Washington, Washington, D. C., on 8 May, 1861. Acting Inspector General & Major S P Heintzelman, United States Army, was assigned to command the the 8th New York State Militia, the 12th New York State Militia, and the 25th New York State Militia by General Orders No.1, Paragraph III, Headquarters, Department of Northeastern Virginia, Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, on 28 May, 1861, and was appointed colonel, 17th United States Infantry, by General Orders No.33, Paragraph I, War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., on 18 June, 1861, dated 14 May, 1861. Colonel S P Heintzelman, 17th United States Infantry, was appointed brigadier general, United States Volunteers, by General Orders No.62, War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., on 20 August, 1861, dated 17 May, 1861.
Note: Cadet F U Farquhar, United States Military Academy, was ordered to Washington, D. C., on 30 June, 1861, and arrived in the morning on 3 July, 1861. He was appointed brevet second lieutenant, United States Corps Engineers, by General Orders No.41, War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., on 3 July, 1861, dated 24 June, 1861, and was assigned to special duty as a drill instructor at Washington, D. C., in the afternoon on 3 July, 1861. Brevet Second Lieutenant F U Farquhar, United States Corps Engineers, was appointed acting aide de camp to Colonel S P Heintzelman, 17th United States Infantry, at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861.
Organisation of Colonel W F Smith's brigade, Division of the Potomac, 4 August, 1861: Colonel W F Smith, 3rd Vermont Infantry; 2nd Vermont Infantry, Colonel H Whiting; 3rd Vermont Infantry, Lieutenant Colonel B N Hyde; 33rd New York Infantry, Colonel R F Taylor; 6th Maine Infantry, Colonel A Knowles; 2nd United States Cavalry, Company H, First Lieutenant W McLean; Mott's New York Light Artillery, Company B, Captain T P Mott
Note: The 2nd Vermont Infantry was assigned to Colonel W F Smith's brigade, Division of the Potomac, by Special Orders No.10, Headquarters, Division of the Potomac, Washington, D. C., on 4 August, 1861.
OFFICIAL REPORT NO.55: Series I, Volume 2 (Serial No.2), Chapter IX, p422
Colonel H Whiting, Second Vermont Infantry
OFFICIAL REPORT NO.51: Series I, Volume 2 (Serial No.2), Chapter IX, p417-419
Colonel O O Howard, Third Maine Infantry, Third Brigade, Third Division, McDowell's Army, dated Bush Hill/ Scott's farm, Fairfax County, Virginia, 26 July, 1861
OFFICIAL REPORT NO.43: Series I, Volume 2 (Serial No.2), Chapter IX, p402-404
Colonel S P Heintzleman, Seventeenth United States Infantry, Third Division, McDowell's Army, dated Washington, D. C., 31 July, 1861
Orders of Battle
The above painting, 'New York's Bravest', is by Don Troiani, modern America's finest historical artist.