The Fourth Alabama Painting by Don Troiani

McCunn's Reserve Brigade

Major H F Savage, 25th New York Infantry

Major H F Savage, 25th New York Infantry

Twenty-fifth New York Infantry

Mustered in United States service for two years 13, 14, and 26 June, 1861. Arrived at Washington, D. C., 5 July, 1861. Did not participate in the first battle of Bull Run

Honourable J E Kerrigan, Esq., was appointed colonel, 25th New York Infantry, on 20 June, 1861, dated 21 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at Camp Arthur, old Quarantine Ground, on Tompkins Avenue, between Tompkinsville Landing and South Street, Tompkinsville, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 26 June, 1861.

E C Charles was appointed lieutenant colonel, 25th New York Infantry, on 20 June, 1861, dated 21 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at Camp Arthur, old Quarantine Ground, on Tompkins Avenue, between Tompkinsville Landing and South Street, Tompkinsville, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 26 June, 1861. Lieutenant Colonel E C Charles, 25th New York Infantry, resigned on 4 October, 1861.

G Mountjoy, Esq., was appointed major, 25th New York Infantry, on 20 June, 1861, dated 21 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at Camp Arthur, old Quarantine Ground, on Tompkins Avenue, between Tompkinsville Landing and South Street, Tompkinsville, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 26 June, 1861. Major G Mountjoy, 25th New York Infantry, deserted and was dropped from records on 20 July, 1861, and First Lieutenant & Adjutant H F Savage, 25th New York Infantry, was appointed major, 25th New York Infantry, on 21 February, 1862, dated 21 July, 1861. Major H F Savage, 25th New York Infantry, was assigned to the 25th New York Infantry at Camp Mansfield/ Scott, east of the Capitol building grounds, on Pennsylvania Avenue and North/ South Capitol Street, Washington, D. C. on 20 July, 1861.

Company A Tenth Ward Rangers: CAPT. M HOLLY
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 11 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at Camp Arthur, old Quarantine Ground, on Tompkins Avenue, between Tompkinsville Landing and South Street, Tompkinsville, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 14 June, 1861. Captain M Holly, 25th New York Infantry, Company A, resigned on 10 August, 1861.
Company B: CAPT. W G SMITH
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 11 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at Camp Arthur, old Quarantine Ground, on Tompkins Avenue, between Tompkinsville Landing and South Street, Tompkinsville, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 13 June, 1861. Captain W G Smith, 25th New York Infantry, Company B, resigned on 23 November, 1861.
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 11 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at Camp Arthur, old Quarantine Grounds, on Tompkins Avenue, between Tompkinsville Landing and South Street, Tompkinsville, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 13 June, 1861.
Company D Eighth Ward Rangers: CAPT. M NORTON
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 11 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at Camp Arthur, old Quarantine groundGrounds, on Tompkins Avenue, between Tompkinsville Landing and South Street, Tompkinsville, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 14 June, 1861. Captain M Norton, 25th New York Infantry, Company D, resigned on 7 November, 1861.
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 11 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at Camp Arthur, old Quarantine Grounds, on Tompkins Avenue, between Tompkinsville Landing and South Street, Tompkinsville, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 14 June, 1861. Captain A L Graham, 25th New York Infantry, Company E, resigned on 2 August, 1861.
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 11 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at Camp Arthur, old Quarantine Grounds, on Tompkins Avenue, between Tompkinsville Landing and South Street, Tompkinsville, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 13 June, 1861. Captain T J Doremus, 25th New York Infantry, Company F, resigned on 29 July, 1861, and First Lieutenant R Sturgeon, 25th New York Infantry, Company F, was appointed captain, 25th New York Infantry, Company F, on 29 July, 1861. Captain R Sturgeon, 25th New York Infantry, Company F, resigned on 1 November, 1861.
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 11 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at Camp Arthur, old Quarantine Grounds, on Tompkins Avenue, between Tompkinsville Landing and South Street, Tompkinsville, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 26 June, 1861. Captain T Wallace, 25th New York Infantry, Company G, resigned on 23 October, 1861.
Company H: CAPT. D MCMAnus
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 13 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at Camp Arthur, old Quarantine Grounds, on Tompkins Avenue, between Tompkinsville Landing and South Street, Tompkinsville, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 26 June, 1861. Captain D McManus, 25th New York Infantry, Company H, resigned on 2 August, 1861.
Company I: CAPT. W C GOVER
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 11 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at Camp Arthur, old Quarantine Grounds, on Tompkins Avenue, between Tompkinsville Landing and South Street, Tompkinsville, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 26 June, 1861. Captain W C Gover, 25th New York Infantry, Company I, resigned on 5 November, 1861.
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 11 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at Camp Arthur, old Quarantine Grounds, on Tompkins Avenue, between Tompkinsville Landing and South Street, Tompkinsville, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 14 June, 1861. Captain T Kerrigan, 25th New York Infantry, Company K, died at Ball's Crossroads, Alexandria County, Virginia, on 12 December, 1861.

Organisation of 25th New York Infantry at the first battle of Bull Run, 21 July, 1861: Colonel J E Kerrigan, Lieutenant Colonel E C Charles, Major H F Savage; Company A, Tenth Ward Rangers, Captain M Holly; Company B, Captain W G Smith; Company C, Captain M McMahon; Company D, Eighth Ward Rangers, Captain M Norton; Company E, Captain A L Graham; Company F, Captain T J Doremus; Company G, Captain T Wallace; Company H, Captain D McManus; Company I, Captain W C Gover; Company K, Captain T Kerrigan


"Yesterday afternoon, Major Hoadly and Capt. Simonson of Brigadier Gen. Spicer's staff, inspected seven companies of the Union Rangers at the Bowery Theatre and the Companies elected the following officers: Company A - Captain, M. Holly; Lieutenant, R. Johnston; Ensign, J. Devoy. Company B - Captain, W. G. Smith; Lieutenant, W. Fay; Ensign, J. Edgeworth. Company C - Captain, N. McMahon; Lieutenant, P. Connelly; Ensign, H Bartine. Company D - Captain, M. Morton; Lieutenant, C. Shay; Ensign, T. Allen. Company E - Captain, A. L. Graham; Lieutenant, T. P. Abbott; Ensign, N. T. Lee. Company F - Captain, T. Doremus; Lieutenant, R. Sturgeon; Ensign, J. Barclay. Company G - Captain, T. Wallace; Lieutenant, W. O'Neil; Ensign, A. Barclay. Col. J. E. Kerrigan commands this regiment, with the following staff: Lieut. Colonel Mountjoy, Major Moore, and Quartermaster T. Kerrigan. Col. Kerrigan went to Albany yesterday with the company rolls, and the regiment will be mustered into service today and sent to quarters. At present 400 men are quartered in the Old Bowery Theatre, the headquarters of the regiment, and 500 men occupy company barracks."

New York Daily Tribune (New York City, New York County, New York), 8 May, 1861 - Union Rangers

"An election for field officers of the Union rangers, Twenty-fifth regiment volunteers, on Friday last, resulted in the selection of Hon. Jas. E. Kerrigan, member of Congress elect, as Colonel; Edmund C. Charles (late Lieutenant Colonel of the Fourth Artillery) as Lieutenant Colonel, and George Mountjoy, Esq., as Major."

New York Herald, Morning Edition (New York City, New York County, New York), 21 May, 1861 - The Union Rangers

"The quarters of Col. Allen's regiment, of Staten Island, will, on the departure of the regiment, be occupied by Col. Kerrigan's Union Rangers."

Sun (New York City, New York County, New York), 27 May, 1861 - Quartermaster's Department

"This fine regiment, numbering over 800 men, and commanded by Hon. James E. Kerrigan, member of Congress from New York city, arrived here at four o'clock yesterday morning."

National Republican (Washington, D. C.), 6 July, 1861 - Arrival of the New York twenty-fifth volunteers

"Colonel McCunn's brigade is stationed at Bailey's Crossroads, six miles from Alexandria, and his pickets are so near those of the rebels that they can easily converse with each other. A few days since, two of Colonel Kerrigan's regimentwere shot by the enemy's pickets and killed."

National Republican (Washington, D. C.), 16 August, 1861 - Firing upon pickets

Books/ Manuscripts

Third Annual Assembly of the Bureau of Military Record, State of New York, transmitted to the legislature, Albany, 2 February, 1866: Historical sketches of the first thirty-eight regiments New York Volunteer Infantry, pp188-194

New York in the War of Rebellion, 1861-1865, Volume 3, by Frederick Phisterer


The 25th New York Infantry was authorised to serve two years, unless sooner discharged, by General Orders Nos.13 and 17, General Headquarters, State of New York, Adjutant General's Office, Albany, Albany County, New York, on 18 and 25 April, 1861, and was organised at New York City, New York County, New York, on 21 May, 1861.

Note: The 25th New York Infantry was authorised by a proclamation calling for 75,000 militia to serve three months on 15 April, 1861, and was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, by Special Orders No.164, General Headquarters, State of New York, Adjutant General's Office, Albany, Albany County, New York, on 10 May, 1861.

Disposition of Union Rangers (25th New York Infantry), New York City, New York County, New York, 7 May, 1861: Colonel J E Kerrigan, Union Rangers, was stationed at Headquarters, old Bowery Theatre, 46 Bowery, New York City, New York County, New York; Company A, Captain M Holly, at the corner of Bayard and Nineteenth Streets, New York City, New York County, New York; Company B, Captain W G Smith, at the old Bowery Theatre, 46 Bowery, New York City, New York County, New York; Company C, Captain M McMahon, at the old Bowery Theatre, 46 Bowery, New York City, New York County, New York; Company D, Captain M Norton, corner of Spring and Mercer Streets, New York City, New York County, New York; Company E, Captain A L Graham, at 49 Bowery, New York City, New York County, New York; Company F, Captain J Doremus, at 3 Seventh Avenue, New York City, New York County, New York; Company G, Captain T Wallace, at Central Hall, corner of Grand and Centre Market Place, New York City, New York County, New York; Company H, Captain D McManus, at the old Bowery Theatre, 46 Bowery, New York City, New York County, New York; Company I, Captain W C Gover, at the old Bowery Theatre, 46 Bowery, New York City, New York County, New York; Company K, Captain T Kerrigan, at the old Bowery Theatre, 46 Bowery, New York City, New York County, New York, at 3 PM on 7 May, 1861.

Accepted in state service for two years, New York City, New York County, New York, on 11-13 May, 1861: The 25th New York Infantry, Companies A, B, C, D, E, F, G, I, and K, were accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 11 May, 1861, and Company H for two years on 13 May, 1861..

West Forty-ninth Street, New York City, New York County, to old Quarantine Grounds, on Tompkins Avenue, between Tompkinsville Landing & South Street, Tompkinsville, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York, 27 May, 1861: The 25th New York Infantry, under the command of Major G Mountjoy, was ordered to proceed by the steamer Saturn on the North/Hudson River at West Forty-ninth Street, New York City, New York County, New York, to the old Quarantine Grounds, on Tompkins Avenue, between Tompkinsville Landing and South Street, Tompkinsville, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York, at 3 PM on 27 May, 1861.

Note: Colonel J E Kerrigan, 25th New York Infantry, was stationed at Washington, D. C., and the 25th New York Infantry at West Forty-ninth Street, New York City, New York County, New York, on 27 May, 1861.

Mustered for two years, Camp Arthur, old Quarantine Grounds, on Tompkins Avenue, between Tompkinsville Landing & South Street, Tompkinsville, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York, 13, 14 & 26 June, 1861: The 25th New York Infantry, Companies B, C, and F, were mustered in United States service for two years at Camp Arthur, old Quarantine Grounds, on Tompkins Avenue, between Tompkinsville Landing and South Street, Tompkinsville, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 13 June, 1861; Companies A, D, E, and K on 14 June, 1861; and G, H, and I on 26 June, 1861.

Note: The 17th New York Infantry was stationed at Camp Dix, the old Quarantine Grounds, on Tompkins Avenue, between Tompkinsville Landing and South Street, Tompkinsville, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York, between 13 and 21 June, 1861, and the 25th New York Infantry was stationed at Camp Arthur, old Quarantine Grounds, on Tompkins Avenue, between Tompkinsville Landing and South Street, Tompkinsville, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York, between 27 May and 3 July, 1861 (See the 17th New York Infantry).

Staten island to Washington, 3-5 July, 1861

The 25th New York Infantry (770/777) was ordered to proceed by tug boats on Raritan Bay to South Amboy, Middlesex County, New Jersey, in the evening on 3 July, 1861, and by the Camden & Amboy Railroad at the Camden & Amboy Ferry Terminal, northwest of South Amboy, Middlesex County, New Jersey, to Washington, D. C., the same day. The regiment arrived by the South Camden Ferry on the Delaware River at Washington Street Wharf, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, at 6 AM on 4 July, 1861, and was ordered to proceed by the Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad at Broad Street Station, corner of Broad Street and Washington Avenue/ Prime Street, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, to Washington, D. C., at 10 AM the same day. The 25th New York Infantry arrived at President Street Station, corner of President Street and Canton Avenue, Baltimore City, Maryland, at 6.30 PM on 4 July, 1861, and was ordered to proceed by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad to Washington, D. C., at 8 PM the same day. The regiment arrived by the Washington Branch, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, at Washington, D. C., via Annapolis Junction, Howard County, Maryland, at 4 AM on 5 July, 1861.

Department of Washington, 5-21 July, 1861

The 25th New York Infantry was stationed at Camp Scott/ Mansfield, east of the Capitol building grounds, on Pennsylvania Avenue and North/ South Capitol Street, Washington, D. C., on 6 July, 1861.

Note: The 25th New York Infantry was ordered to Harpers Ferry, Jefferson County, Virginia, in the evening on 20 July, 1861, but the order was countermanded and was assigned to McCunn's Brigade, McDowell's Army, under the command of Colonel J H McCunn, 37th New York Infantry, in the evening on 20 July, 1861 (See the 37th New York Infantry).

Note: The 25th New York Infantry was stationed at Camp Mansfield/ Scott, east of the Capitol building grounds, on Pennsylvania Avenue and North/ South Capitol Street, Washington, D. C., between 6 and 21 July, 1861.

Disposition of McCunn's Reserve Brigade, McDowell's Army, 21 July, 1861: Colonel J H McCunn, 37th New York Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Mary, on the Eastern Branch of the Potomac/ Anacostia River, on East Capitol Street, half a mile northeast of the Congressional burying ground/ Cemetery, between South E and G Streets and East Eighteenth and Nineteenth Streets, Washington, D. C.; 15th New York Infantry, Colonel J M Murphy, Camp Welch, C Mills' farm, Meridian Hill, west of Fourteenth Street Road, D. C.; 25th New York Infantry, Colonel J E Kerrigan, Camp Mansfield/ Scott, east of the Capitol building grounds, on Pennsylvania Avenue and North/ South Capitol Street, Washington, D. C.; 26th New York Infantry, Colonel W H Christian, Camp Van Valkenburgh, Meridian Hill, west of Fourteenth Street Road, D. C.; 37th New York Infantry, Lieutenant Colonel J Burke, Camp Mary, on the Eastern Branch of the Potomac/ Anacostia River, on East Capitol Street, half a mile northeast of the Congressional burying ground/ Cemetery, between South E and G Streets and East Eighteenth and Nineteenth Streets, Washington, D. C.

Department of Northeastern Virginia, 21 July-17 August, 1861

The 25th New York Infantry was ordered to proceed by steamer on the Potomac River to Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, in the afternoon on 21 July, 1861.

Note: Private E M Raymond, 25th New York Infantry, Company A, deserted in the vicinity of Arlington Mills, Alexandria County, Virginia, and Privates J Bolliner and P Gaffeney, 25th New York Infantry, Company I, at Washington, D. C., on 21 July, 1861.

Rendezvous at the corner of F Street, opposite the Treasury building, on West Fifteenth Street, Washington, D. C., 24 July, 1861: The 15th New York Infantry, the 25th New York Infantry, the 26th New York Infantry, the 37th New York Infantry, the 40th New York Infantry, and the 27th Pennsylvania Infantry were ordered to rendezvous at the corner of F Street, opposite the Treasury building, on West Fifteenth Street, Washington, D. C., at 12 PM on 24 July, 1861.

Green's Mansion House Hotel, on Fairfax Street, between King & Cameron Streets, Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, 24 July, 1861: The 25th New York Infantry was stationed at Green's Mansion House Hotel, on Fairfax Street, between King and Cameron Streets, Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, at 2 AM on 24 July, 1861.

Bailey's Crossroads, Fairfax County, Virginia, 29 July, 1861: The 25th New York Infantry was stationed at Bailey's Crossroads, Fairfax County, Virginia, on 29 July, 1861.

The 15th New York Infantry, the 25th New York Infantry, the 26th New York Infantry, and the 37th New York Infantry were stationed between Powell's/ Bellevue, east of the Leesburg & Alexandria Turnpike, two miles northwest of Alexandria, Alexandria County, and Bailey's Crossroads, Fairfax County, Virginia, on 29 July, 1861.

Mustered out, New York City, New York County, New York, 10 July, 1863: The three years' men of the 25th New York Infantry were assigned to the 44th New York Infantry on 23 June, 1863, and the 25th New York Infantry, under the command of Colonel C A Johnson, was mustered out at New York City, New York County, New York, on 10 July, 1863.

Colonel J H McCunn, 37th New York Infantry, McCunn's Reserve Brigade, McDowell's Army, 20 June, 1861: Colonel J H McCunn, 75th New York Militia, was appointed assistant engineer, 69th New York State Militia, by General Orders No.1, Headquarters, Sixty-ninth Regiment, New York State Militia, New York City, New York County, New York, on 20 April, 1861, and was assigned to the 69th New York Militia between 20 April and 6 May, 1861. Judge J H McCunn was appointed colonel, 37th New York Infantry, on 20 June, 1861, dated 28 May, 1861, and acting brigadier general, United States Volunteers, on 20 July, 1861.

Organisation of Brigadier General D Hunter's brigade, Division of the Potomac, 4 August, 1861: Brigadier General D Hunter, United States Volunteers; 23rd New York Infantry, Colonel H C Hoffman; 25th New York Infantry, Colonel J E Kerrigan; 35th New York Infantry, Colonel W C Brown; 37th New York Infantry, Colonel J H McCunn

Note: The 25th New York Infantry was assigned to Brigadier General D Hunter's brigade, Division of the Potomac, by Special Orders No.10, Headquarters, Division of the Potomac, Washington, D. C., on 4 August, 1861.