The Fourth Alabama Painting by Don Troiani

McCunn's Reserve Brigade

First Sergeant W Bird Jr., 37th New York Infantry, Company I

First Sergeant W Bird Jr., 37th New York Infantry, Company I

Thirty-seventh New York Infantry

Mustered in United States service for two years 6 and 7 June, 1861. Arrived at Washington, D. C., 25 June, 1861. Not engaged in the First battle of Bull Run

Colonel J H McCunn, 75th New York State Militia, was appointed colonel, 37th New York Infantry, on 20 June, 1861, dated 28 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at The Battery, on State Street and Battery Place, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 7 June, 1861. Colonel J H McCunn, 37th New York Infantry, was appointed acting brigadier general, United States Volunteers, in the evening on 20 July, 1861, and resigned on 3 September, 1861, dated 2 September, 1861.

Captain J Burke, 37th New York Infantry, Company A, was appointed lieutenant colonel, 37th New York Infantry, on 20 June, 1861, dated 28 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at The Battery, on State Street and Battery Place, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 7 June, 1861.

Captain D C Milton, 1st New York State Militia Cavalry, was appointed major, 37th New York Infantry, on 20 June, 1861, dated 28 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at The Battery, on State Street and Battery Place, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 7 June, 1861. Major D C Milton, 37th New York Infantry, was discharged on 4 September, 1861.

Company A: CAPT. G RIoRDON
The company was accepted in state service for two years, under the command of Captain J Burke, at New York City, New York County, New York, on 14 May, dated 9 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at The Battery, on State Street and Battery Place, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 6 June, 1861. Captain J Burke, 37th New York Infantry, Company A, was appointed lieutenant colonel, 37th New York Infantry, on 20 June, 1861, dated 28 May, 1861, and Private G Riordon, 37th New York Infantry, Company A, was appointed captain, 37th New York Infantry, Company A, on 4 July, 1861, dated 6 June, 1861. Captain G Riordon, 37th New York Infantry, Company A, was appointed major, 37th New York Infantry, on 11 November, 1861, dated 3 September, 1861.
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 14 May, 1861, dated 9 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at The Battery, on State Street and Battery Place, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 7 June, 1861.
Company C: CAPT. M DORAN
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on on 14 May, 1861, dated 9 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at The Battery, on State Street and Battery Place, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 7 June, 1861. Captain M Doran, 37th New York Infantry, Company C, was dismissed on 4 November, 1861.
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 14 May, 1861, dated 9 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at The Battery, on State Street and Battery Place, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 7 June, 1861. Captain F J McHugh, 37th New York Infantry, Company D, died of typhoid fever on 12 December, 1861.
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 14 May, 1861, dated 9 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at The Battery, on State Street and Battery Place, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 6 June, 1861. Captain J Kavavagh, 37th New York Infantry, Company E, was discharged on 4 November, 1861.
The company was accepted in state service at New York City, New York County, New York, on 17 May, 1861, dated 16 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at The Battery, on State Street and Battery Place, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 7 June, 1861. Captain D O'Conner, 37th New York Infantry, Company F, was discharged on 4 November, 1861.
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 17 May, 1861, dated 16 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at The Battery, on State Street and Battery Place, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 7 June, 1861. Captain M Murphy, 37th New York Infantry, Company G, was discharged on 4 November, 1861.
The company was accepted in state service for two years at Allegany, Cattaraugus County, New York, on 17 May, 1861, dated 15 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at The Battery, on State Street and Battery Place, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 7 June, 1861.
Company I: CAPT. W T CLARKe
The company was accepted in state service for two years at Ellicottville, Cattaraugus County, New York, on 13 May, 1861, dated 9 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at The Battery, on State Street and Battery Place, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 7 June, 1861.
The company was accepted in state service for two years, under the command of Captain E W Peckham, at New York City, New York County, New York, on 25 May, 1861, dated 9 May, 1861, and Captain E W Peckham, 37th New York Infantry, Company K, was discharged on 6 June, 1861. The company was mustered in United States service for two years at The Battery, on State Street and Battery Place, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 7 June, 1861, and Private J W Johnston, 37th New York Infantry, Company K, was appointed captain, 37th New York Infantry, Company K, on 4 July, 1861, dated 7 June, 1861. Captain J W Johnston, 37th New York Infantry, Company K, was discharged on 10 September, 1861.

Organisation of 37th New York Infantry at the first battle of Bull Run, 21 July, 1861: Colonel J H McCunn*, Lieutenant Colonel J Burke, Major D C Minton; Company A, Captain G Riordon; Company B, Captain J T McGuire; Company C, Captain M Doran; Company D, Captain F J McHugh; Company E, Captain J Kavanagh; Company F, Captain D O'Conner; Company G, Captain M Murphy; Company H, Captain L G Harmon; Company I, Captain W T Clarke; Company K, Captain J W Johnston

*Assigned to command McCunn's Brigade, McDowell's Army, at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861


"From our little village, containing 2,000 inhabitants, we have this morning sent to Elmira one company of volunteers, made up of 90 as good men as have mustered together in Western New York."

New York Tribune (New York City, New York County, New York), 24 May, 1861 - Cattaraugus in the field

"Today at noon, the Thirty-seventh (Irish) Regiment New York Volunteers, Col. McCunn, arrived here, and at once proceeded to the northern outskirts of the city, where they are to encamp, having brought their camp equipage with them. The regiment numbers about 800 men, strong, hardy, and enthusiastic, fine representatives of the Hibernian element of the Empire State. The uniform is light blue pants, dark blue jacket and fatigue cap."

Evening Star (Washington, D. C.), 24 June, 1861 - Arrival of the Thirty-seventh Regiment

"The Garibaldi Guard, Colonel d'Utassy, on east Capitol ground. Thirty-seventh, New York, Colonel McCunn, on the same premises. Twelfth, New York Volunteers, Col. Walrath, on the same grounds. A portion of this regiment are detailed every night to guard the Anacostia bridge."

New York Herald, Morning Edition (New York City, New York County, New York), 2 July, 1861 - Location of the troops in and around Washington on the evening of June 29, 1861

"Washington, 20 July, 1861 - Today Colonel McCunn was ordered, with his regiment, the Thirty-seventh New York, to proceed to join General Patterson's command. Colonel McLeod Murphy's regiment, and two others not yet named, have received the same orders - the four to form a brigade under Colonel McCunn."

New York Herald (New York City, New York County, New York), 21 July, 1861 - Reinforcements for the Upper Potomac

"The Thirty-seventh New York Regiment, Col. McCunn, marched over into Virginia yesterday morning."

Evening Star (Washington, D. C.), 22 July, 1861 - Advanced into Virginia

"Just after I had closed the letter written last evening, a courier arrived, with orders not to march till this morning at eight o'clock, and changing the route from Harper's Ferry to the headquarters of General McDowell."

New York Herald (New York City, New York County, New York), 23 July, 1861 - Camp Mary, 21 July, 1861

"Just one week ago today, on a bright, cool, Sunday morning, the 37th moved away from their old quarters in Camp Mary, East Capitol street, Washington, and proceeded by the government boat to Alexandria, Virginia."

Irish American Weekly (New York City, New York County, New York), 10 August, 1861 - Bellevue, near Alexandria, Headquarters 37th Regt. N. Y. Volunteers, 28th July, 1861

Books/ Manuscripts

Supplement to the Official Records: Part II, Record of Events, Volume 43, Serial No.55: Record of events for Thirty-seventh New York Infantry, June 1861-June 1863, edited by James B Hewett

Third Annual Assembly of the Bureau of Military Record, State of New York, transmitted to the legislature, Albany, 2 February, 1866: Historical sketches of the first thirty-eight regiments New York Volunteer Infantry, pp271-276

New York in the War of Rebellion, 1861-1865, Volume 3, by Frederick Phisterer

The Irish brigade and its campaigns, with some account of the Corcoran Legion, and sketches of the principle officers, by David Power Conyngham

History of the First brigade, New Jersey Volunteers from 1861 to 1865, compiled under the authorisation of Kearny's First New Jersey Brigade Society, by Camille Baquet, Second Lieutenant, Company A, First Regiment New Jersey Volunteers


The 37th New York Infantry was authorised to serve two years, unless sooner discharged, by General Orders Nos.13 and 17, General Headquarters, State of New York, Adjutant General's Office, Albany, Albany County, New York, on 18 and 25 April, 1861, and was organised at New York City, New York County, New York, on 28 May, 1861.

Note: The 37th New York Infantry was authorised by a proclamation calling for 75,000 militia to serve three months on 15 April, 1861, and was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, by Special Orders No.224, General Headquarters, State of New York, Adjutant General's Office, Albany, Albany County, New York, on 25 May, 1861.

Accepted in state service for two years, New York City, New York County; Allegany & Ellicottville, Cattaraugus County, New York, 9-25 May, 1861: The 37th New York Infantry, Companies B, C, D, and E, were accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 9 May, 1861; Company I for two years at Ellicottville, Cattaraugus County, New York, on 9 May, 1861; Company H for two years at Allegany, Cattaraugus County, New York, on 15 May, 1861; Companies F and G for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 16 May, 1861; and Companies A and K for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 25 May, 1861.

Note: The 37th New York Infantry was stationed at Eagle Drill rooms, corner of Christie and Delancey Streets, New York City, New York County, New York, on 4 May, 1861, and

Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Maryland; Washington, D. C.; & New York City, New York County, New York, Colonel J H McCunn, 75th New York State Militia, 20 April-6 May, 1861: Colonel J H McCunn, 75th New York State Militia, was appointed assistant engineer, 69th New York State Militia, by General Orders No.1, Headquarters, Sixty-ninth Regiment, New York State Militia, New York City, New York County, New York, on 20 April, 1861, and was ordered to proceed by the steamer James Adger to Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Maryland, at 6 PM on 23 April, 1861. Assistant Engineer J H McCunn, 69th New York State Militia, was acting as master of transportation at Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Maryland, on 2 May, 1861, and arrived at Washington, D. C., at 7.30 PM on 3 May, 1861. He arrived at New York City, New York County, New York, on 6 May, 1861 (See the 69th New York State Militia).

Recruiting offices, 75th New York York State Militia, New York City, New York County, New York, 18 May, 1861: Captain M Doran, was stationed at 88 Broadway, New York City, New York County, New York; Captain D O'Connor, at 199 Mulberry Street, New York City, New York County, New York; Captain J Kavanagh, corner of Forty-second Street and Third Avenue, New York City, New York County, New York; Captain J T Maguire, corner of Eleventh Street and Avenue B, and Ninth Street and Third Avenue, New York City, New York County, New York; and Captain J Burke, 42 Prince Street, New York City, New York County, New York, on 18 May, 1861.

Note: The 75th New York State Militia was stationed at Bloomingdale Road and Ninety-Sixth Street, New York City, New York County, New York, on 18 May, 1861.

Ellicottville, Cattaraugus County, to Elmira, Chemung County, New York, Company I, 20 May, 1861: Bartlett's company, under the command of Captain G Bartlett, arrived by the Erie Railroad at Allegany, Cattaraugus County, New York, on 20 May, 1861.

Allegany, Cattaraugus County, to Elmira, Chemung County, New York, Company H, 24 May, 1861: Harmon's company (90) was ordered to proceed by the Erie Railroad to Elmira, Chemung County, New York, in the morning on 24 May, 1861.

The Battery, on State Street & Battery Place, New York City, New York County, New York, 4 June, 1861: The 37th New York Infantry was ordered to The Battery, on State Street and Battery Place, New York City, New York County, New York, on 4 June, 1861.

Mustered for two years, The Battery, on State Street & Battery Place, New York City, New York County, New York, 6 & 7 June, 1861: The 37th New York Infantry, Companies A and E, were mustered in United States service for two years at The Battery, on State Street and Battery Place, New York City, New York County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, Company C, on 6 June, 1861, and Companies B, C, D, F, G, H, I, and K on 7 June, 1861.

Note: The 37th New York Infantry was stationed at The Battery, on State Street and Battery Place, New York City, New York County, New York, between 4 and 23 June, 1861.

New York City to Washington, 23-24 June, 1861

The 37th New York Infantry (803/815) was ordered to proceed by the steamer Atlas on the North/ Hudson River at Pier No.1, corner of Battery Place and West Street, New York City, New York County, New York, to South Amboy, Middlesex County, New Jersey, at 3.30 PM on 23 June, 1861, and by the Camden & Amboy Railroad at the Camden & Amboy Ferry Terminal, northwest of South Amboy, Middlesex County, New Jersey, to Washington, D. C., in the evening the same day. The regiment arrived by the South Camden Ferry on the Delaware River at Washington Street Wharf, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, at 11.30 PM on 23 June, 1861, and was ordered to proceed by the Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad to Washington, D. C., at 2 AM on 24 June, 1861. The 37th New York Infantry arrived by the Washington Branch, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, at Washington, D. C., via Baltimore City and Annapolis Junction, Howard County, Maryland, at 12 PM on 24 June, 1861.

Note: The 37th New York Infantry was ordered to Pier No.1, corner of Battery Place and West Street, New York City, New York County, New York, at 3 PM on 23 June, 1861.

Department of Washington, 24 June-21 July, 1861

The 37th New York Infantry was stationed in various buildings on Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. C., on 24 June, 1861.

Note: Second Lieutenant J P Boyle, 37th New York Infantry, Company E, was assigned to recruiting duty at The Battery, on State Street and Battery Place, New York City, New York County, New York, on 23 June, 1861.

New York City, New York County, New York, to Washington, D. C., detachment, 24 June, 1861: A detachment of the 37th New York Infantry (34), under the command of Second Lieutenant J Brown, 31st New York Infantry, Company F, was ordered to proceed by the New Jersey Railroad at New Jersey Station, corner of Hudson and Mercer Streets, Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey, to Washington, D. C., at 6.30 PM on 24 June, 1861 (See the 31st New York Infantry).

Pennsylvania Avenue to the Eastern Branch of the Potomac/ Anacostia River, on East Capitol Street, half a mile northeast of the Congressional burying ground/ Cemetery, between South E & G Street & East Eighteenth & Nineteenth Streets, Washington, D. C., 25 June, 1861: The 37th New York Infantry was ordered to the Eastern Branch of the Potomac/ Anacostia River, on East Capitol Street, half a mile northeast of the Congressional burying ground/ Cemetery, between South E and G Streets and East Eighteenth and Nineteenth Streets, Washington, D. C., at 11 AM on 25 June, 1861.

Note: The 39th New York Infantry was stationed on the Eastern Branch of the Potomac/ Anacostia River, northeast of the Congressional burying ground/ Cemetery, between South E and G Streets and East Eighteenth and Nineteenth Streets, Washington, D. C., and the 12th New York Infantry at East Capitol Street, three quarters of a mile southwest of Benning's/ Anacostia Bridge, on the Eastern Branch of the Potomac/ Anacostia River, D. C., on 26 June, 1861. The 37th New York Infantry was stationed at Camp Mary, on the Eastern Branch of the Potomac/ Anacostia River, on East Capitol Street, half a mile northeast of the Congressional burying ground/ Cemetery, between South E and G Streets and East Eighteenth and Nineteenth Streets, Washington, D. C., between 25 June and 21 July, 1861.

Disposition of McCunn's Reserve Brigade, McDowell's Army, 21 July, 1861: Colonel J H McCunn, 37th New York Infantry, Headquarters, Camp Mary, on the Eastern Branch of the Potomac/ Anacostia River, on East Capitol Street, half a mile northeast of the Congressional burying ground/ Cemetery, between South E and G Streets and East Eighteenth and Nineteenth Streets, Washington, D. C.; 15th New York Infantry, Colonel J M Murphy, Camp Welch, C Mills' farm, Meridian Hill, west of Fourteenth Street Road, D. C.; 25th New York Infantry, Colonel J E Kerrigan, Camp Mansfield/ Scott, east of the Capitol building grounds, on Pennsylvania Avenue and North/ South Capitol Street, Washington, D. C.; 26th New York Infantry, Colonel W H Christian, Camp Van Valkenburgh, Meridian Hill, west of Fourteenth Street Road, D. C.; 37th New York Infantry, Lieutenant Colonel J Burke, Camp Mary, on the Eastern Branch of the Potomac/Anacostia River, on East Capitol Street, half a mile northeast of the Congressional burying ground/ Cemetery, between South E and G Streets and East Eighteenth and Nineteenth Streets, Washington, D. C.

Note: The 37th New York Infantry was ordered to Harpers Ferry, Jefferson County, Virginia, at 6 PM on 20 July, 1861, but the order was countermanded and was ordered to Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, at 8 AM on 21 July, 1861.

Department of Northeastern Virginia, 21 July-17 August, 1861

The 37th New York Infantry was ordered to proceed by steamer on the Potomac River to Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, at 8 AM on 21 July, 1861.

Note: The 37th New York Infantry was assigned to McCunn's Brigade, McDowell's Army, under the command of Colonel J H McCunn, 37th New York Infantry, in the evening on 20 July, 1861.

Advance to Fairfax Station, 21 July, 1861

The 37th New York Infantry arrived by the Orange & Alexandria Railroad at Fairfax Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 5/7 PM on 21 July, 1861.

Note: First Lieutenant & Acting Commissary of Subsistence J Curtis, 15th United States Infanty, arrived at Fairfax Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 6 PM on 19 July, 1861, and the 3rd New Jersey Infantry and the 1st New Jersey Militia were temporarily assigned to Acting Brigadier General & Colonel J H McCunn, 37th New York Infantry, in the evening on 21 July, 1861.

Troops stationed at Fairfax Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, 22 July, 1861: Acting Brigadier General & Colonel J H McCunn, 37th New York Infantry; 37th New York Infantry (700), Lieutenant Colonel J Burke; 3rd New Jersey Infantry (825), Colonel G W Taylor; First Lieutenant & Acting Commissary of Subsistence J Curtis, 15th United States Infanty

Note: The 37th New York Infantry, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel J Burke, was stationed at Fairfax Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 12.15 AM on 22 July, 1861.

Retreat to Washington, 22 July, 1861

The 37th New York Infantry was ordered to Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, at 3 AM on 22 July, 1861, and was accompanied by the 3rd New Jersey Infantry and First Lieutenant & Acting Commissary of Subsistence J Curtis, 15th United States Infantry. The regiment arrived at Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, in the morning on 22 July, 1861 (See the 3rd New Jersey Infantry).

Note: The 3rd New Jersey Infantry was stationed at Camp Forest, south of Burkes Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, between 19 and 21 July, 1861, and was ordered to Fairfax Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the morning on 21 July, 1861.

Rendezvous at the corner of F Street, opposite the Treasury building, on West Fifteenth Street, Washington, D. C., 24 July, 1861: The 15th New York Infantry, the 25th New York Infantry, the 26th New York Infantry, the 37th New York Infantry, the 40th New York Infantry, and the 27th Pennsylvania Infantry were ordered to rendezvous at the corner of F Street, opposite the Treasury building, on West Fifteenth Street, Washington, D. C., at 12 PM on 24 July, 1861.

Price, Birch & Co Slave Pens, on Duke Street, between Payne & Fayette Streets, Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, 22 July, 1861: The 37th New York Infantry was stationed at Price, Birch & Co Slave Pens, on Duke Street, between Payne and Fayette Streets, Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, in the afternoon on 22 July, 1861.

Note: Private D Coit, 37th New York Infantry, Company I, deserted at Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, on 22 July, 1861.

Camp Bellevue, Powell's/ Bellevue, east of the Leesburg & Alexandria Turnpike, two miles northwest of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, 28 July, 1861: The 37th New York Infantry was stationed at Camp Bellevue, Powell's/ Bellevue, east of the Leesburg & Alexandria Turnpike, two miles northwest of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, on 28 July, 1861.

Note: The 15th New York Infantry, the 25th New York Infantry, the 26th New York Infantry, and the 37th New York Infantry were stationed between Powell's/ Bellevue, east of the Leesburg & Alexandria Turnpike, two miles northwest of Alexandria, Alexandria County, and Bailey's Crossroads, Fairfax County, Virginia, on 29 July, 1861.

Garrison duty at Fort Washington, on the Potomac River, Prince George's County, Maryland, Company I, 5 August, 1861: The 37th New York Infantry, Company I, arrived at Fort Washington, on the Potomac River, Prince George's County, Maryland, in the evening on 5 August, 1861 (See the United States Army, Department of Washington, D. C.).

Organisation of 37th New York Infantry (70), Company I, Fort Washington, on the Potomac River, Prince George's County, Maryland, 5 August, 1861: Captain W S Clarke, First Lieutenant G W Bailett

Note: Second Lieutenant C S Trivett, 37th New York Infantry, Company I, was stationed at Washington, D. C., on 5 August, 1861, and Colonel J M Murphy, 15th New York Infantry; Colonel J E Kerrigan, 25th New York Infantry; Colonel H H Christian, 26th New York Infantry; and Acting Brigadier General & Colonel J H McCunn and Lieutenant Colonel J Burke, 37th New York Infantry, rendezvoused at Camp Bellevue, opposite the tollgate on the Leesburg & Alexandria Turnpike, three miles northwest of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, in the evening on 7 August, 1861.

Garrison duty at Fort Washington, on the Potomac River, Prince George's County, Maryland, Company H, 10 August, 1861: The 37th New York Infantry, Company H, was stationed at the Long Bridge, on the Potomac River, at Washington, D. C., on 5 August, 1861, and was assigned to garrison duty at Fort Washington, on the Potomac River, Prince George's County, Maryland, under the command of Brevet Major & Captain J A Haskin, 1st United States Artillery, Company D, on 10 August, 1861.

Note: The 37th New York Infantry, Company H, was ordered to the Provost Marshall building, Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, on 26 July, 1861, and to Fort Albany, northwest of J Roach's farm, Prospect Hill, on Hoe Hill, 200 yards south of the tollgate on the Columbia Turnpike, Alexandria County, Virginia, on 28 July, 1861.

Mustered out, New York City, New York County, New York, 22 June, 1863: The three years' men of the 37th New York Infantry were assigned to the 40th New York Infantry, Company I (2nd), on 25 May, 1863, and the 37th New York Infantry was mustered out at New York City, New York County, New York, on 22 June, 1863 (See the 40th New York Infantry).

Colonel J H McCunn, 37th New York Infantry, McCunn's Reserve Brigade, McDowell's Army, 20 June, 1861: Colonel J H McCunn, 75th New York Militia, was appointed assistant engineer, 69th New York State Militia, by General Orders No.1, Headquarters, Sixty-ninth Regiment, New York State Militia, New York City, New York County, New York, on 20 April, 1861, and was assigned to the 69th New York Militia between 20 April and 6 May, 1861. Judge J H McCunn was appointed colonel, 37th New York Infantry, on 20 June, 1861, dated 28 May, 1861, and acting brigadier general, United States Volunteers, on 20 July, 1861.

Organisation of Brigadier General D Hunter's brigade, Division of the Potomac, 4 August, 1861: Brigadier General D Hunter, United States Volunteers; 23rd New York Infantry, Colonel H C Hoffman; 25th New York Infantry, Colonel J E Kerrigan; 35th New York Infantry, Colonel W C Brown; 37th New York Infantry, Colonel J H McCunn

Note: The 37th New York Infantry was assigned to Brigadier General D Hunter's brigade, Division of the Potomac, by Special Orders No.10, Headquarters, Division of the Potomac, Washington, D. C., on 4 August, 1861.