Second Brigade, Third Division
Colonel J H H Ward, 38th New York Infantry
Thirty-eighth New York Infantry
Mustered in United States service for three years 3 and 8 June, 1861. Arrived at Washington, D. C., 21 June, 1861
J H H Ward was appointed colonel, 38th New York Infantry, on 20 June, 1861, dated 30 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, on 8 June, 1861.
A Farnsworth was appointed lieutenant colonel, 38th New York Infantry, on 20 June, 1861, dated 30 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, on 8 June, 1861. Lieutenant Colonel A Farnsworth, 38th New York Infantry, was discharged and appointed colonel, 79th New York Infantry on 27 December, 1861 (See the 79th New York State Militia).
J D Potter was appointed major, 38th New York Infantry, on 20 June, 1861, dated 30 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, on 8 June, 1861. Major J D Potter, 38th New York Infantry, was wounded and captured at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861.
- Company A: CAPT. D E GAVIT
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 7 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, on 3 June, 1861. - Company B: CAPT. E MCGRATH
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 7 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, on 3 June, 1861. Captain E McGrath, 38th New York Infantry, Company B, was wounded at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861. - Company C: CAPT. R F ALLaSON
The company was accepted in state service for two years at Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, on 7 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, on 3 June, 1861. Captain R F Allason, 38th New York Infantry, Company C, was wounded and captured at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861. - Company D: CAPT. J T HARROLD
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 7 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, on 3 June, 1861. Captain J T Harrold, 38th New York Infantry, Company D, was discharged on 2 August, 1861. - Company E: CAPT. O A TILDEN
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 7 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, on 3 June, 1861. - Company F: CAPT. H MCQUADE
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 11 May, 1861, dated 10 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, on 3 June, 1861. Captain H McQuade, 38th New York Infantry, Company F, was wounded and captured at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861, and died on 26 December, 1861. - Company G: CAPT. G F BRITTON
The company was accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 11 May, 1861, dated 10 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, on 3 June, 1861. Captain G F Britton, 38th New York Infantry, Company G, was discharged on 2 August, 1861. - Company H: CAPT. W H BAIRD
The company was accepted in state service for two years at Geneva, Ontario County, New York, on 24 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, on 3 June, 1861. - Company I: CAPT. C S DEWITT
The company was accepted in state service for two years at Horseheads, Chemung County, New York, on 21 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, on 8 June, 1861. - Company K: CAPT. S C DWYER
The company was accepted in state service for two years at Greenbush, Elizabethtown, Essex County, New York, on 24 May, 1861, dated 11 May, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for two years at East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, on 3 June, 1861. - Drum Corps: Drum Maj. M McCarthy
- Fife Corps: Fife Maj. D E Tylee
Organisation of 38th New York Infantry at the first battle of Bull Run, 21 July, 1861: Colonel J H H Ward, Lieutenant Colonel A Farnsworth, Major J D Potter; Company A, Captain D E Gavit; Company B, Captain E McGrath; Company C, Captain R F Allason; Company D, Captain J T Harrold; Company E, Captain O L Tilden; Company F, Captain H McQuade; Company G, Captain G F Britton; Company H, Captain W H Baird; Company I, Captain C S DeWitt; Company K, Captain S C Dwyer
"A full company of seventy-seven men arrived from Horseheads, Chemung county, this morning, and stopped at Park Barracks."
Evening Post (New York City, New York County, New York) 29 May, 1861 - The Park Barracks
"At six o'clock last evening the 38th New York Regiment, under command of Col. J. H. Hobart, reached the Bolton Station, from Harrisburg, and proceeded on to Washington. It numbers 972 men, enlisted for two years."
South (Baltimore City, Maryland), 21 June, 1861 - Passage of troops
"This fine regiment, numbering 790 men, arrived here at one o'clock this morning. It is known as the Second Scott Life Guard, and is uniformed in dark-blue coats and sky-blie pants."
National Republican (Washington, D. C.), 21 June, 1861 - Arrival of the Thirty-eighth New York regiment
"The thirty-eighth New York regiment, Col. Ward, embarked on board the Baltimore and Philadelphia, at the foot of Sixth street, at noon yesterday, for Alexandria."
National Republican (Washington, D. C.), 8 July, 1861 - Gone to Virginia
"About one o'clock yesterday afternoon, the New York thirty-eighth (Scott Life Guard) broke camp, in the northern part of the city, and marched to the foot of Seventh Street, where they embarked on the steamers Baltimore and Philadelphia, for Alexandria."
National Republican (Washington, D. C.), 8 July, 1861 - Advancing over the river
Books/ Manuscripts
Third Annual Assembly of the Bureau of Military Record, State of New York, transmitted to the legislature, Albany, 2 February, 1866: Historical sketches of the first thirty-eight regiments New York Volunteer Infantry, pp277-285
New York in the War of Rebellion, 1861-1865, Volume 3, by Frederick Phisterer
The 38th New York Infantry was authorised to serve two years, unless sooner discharged, by General Orders Nos.13 and 17, General Headquarters, State of New York, Adjutant General's Office, Albany, Albany County, New York, on 18 and 25 April, 1861, and was organised at East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, on 30 May, 1861.
Note: The 38th New York Infantry was authorised by a proclamation calling for 75,000 militia to serve three months on 15 April, 1861, and was accepted in state service for two years at East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, on 25 May, 1861.
Note: A recuiting office was set up at 497 Broadway, New York City, New York County, New York, on 19 April, 1861.
Accepted in state service for two years, New York City, New York County; Brooklyn, Kings County; Elizabethtown, Essex County; Horseheads, Chemung County; & Geneva, Ontario County, New York, 7-11 May, 1861: The 38th New York Infantry, Companies A, B, D, and E, were accepted in state service for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 7 May, 1861; Company B for two years at Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, on 7 May, 1861; Companies F and G for two years at New York City, New York County, New York, on 11 May, 1861, dated 10 May, 1861; Company K for two years at Elizabethtown, Essex County, New York, on 11 May, 1861; Company I for two years at Horseheads, Chemung County, New York, on 21 May, 1861, and Company H for two years at Geneva, Ontario County, New York, on 24 May, 1861.
Note: The 38th New York Infantry was stationed at the Center Market Armory and drillrooms, on Grand and Centre Streets, New York City, New York County, New York, on 14 May, 1861.
Center Market Armory & drillrooms, on Grand & Centre Streets, New York City, New York County, to East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, Companies A, B, C, D, E, F, & G, 21 May, 1861: The 38th New York Infantry (624), Companies A, B, C, D, E, F, and G, was ordered to procced by ferry on the East River at the foot of Roosevelt Street, New York City, New York County, New York, to East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, in the morning on 21 May, 1861.
Note: The 38th New York Infantry, Companies A, B, C, D, E, F, and G, arrived by the Long Island Railroad at East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, on 21 May, 1861.
Regimental Orders No.14, Headquarters, Second Regiment Scotts Life Guards, East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, 23 May, 1861: A recruiting office was set up at 142 Prince Street, corner of Mott Street, New York City, New York County, New York, under the command of First Lieutenant W H Lewis, 38th New York Infantry, Company D, by Regimental Orders No.14, Headquarters, Second Regiment Scotts Life Guards, East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, on 23 May, 1861.
Horseheads, Chemung County, to New York City, New York County, New York, Compamy I, 29 May, 1861: The 38th New York Infantry (75/77), Company I, arrived at City Hall Park barracks, on Chambers Street, southwest corner of Broadway and Park Row, New York City, New York County, New York, in the morning on 29 May, 1861.
Greenbush, Elizabethtown, Essex County, to New York City, New York County, New York, Compamy K, 30 May, 1861: The 38th New York Infantry (80), Company K, arrived at City Hall Park barracks, on Chambers Street, southwest corner of Broadway and Park Row, New York City, New York County, New York, in the morning on 30 May, 1861.
Mustered for two years, East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, 3 & 8 June, 1861: The 38th New York Infantry, Companies A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and K, were mustered in United States service for two years at East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, by Captain S B Hayman, 7th United States Infantry, on 3 June, 1861, and Company I on 8 June, 1861.
Organisation of 38th New York Infantry, East New York, New Lot, Kings County, New York, 19 June, 1861: Colonel J H H Ward, Lieutenant Colonel A Farnsworth, Major J D Potter; Drum Major M McCarthy; Fife Major D E Tylee; Company A, Captain D E Gavit; Company B, Captain E McGrath; Company C, Captain R F Allason; Company D, Captain J T Harrold; Company E, Captain O L Tilden; Company F, Captain H McQuade; Company G, Captain G F Britton; Company H, Captain W H Baird; Company I, Captain C S DeWitt; Company K, Captain S C Dwyer
Note: The 38th New York Infantry was stationed at East New York, New Lots, Kings County, New York, between 21 May and 19 June, 1861.
New Lots to Washington, 19-21 June, 1861
The 38th New York Infantry (772/790) was ordered to proceed by ferry on the East River at the South Seventh Street, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, in the afternoon on 19 June, 1861, and by the steamer Red Jacket on the North/ Hudson River at Pier No.2, northeast of Battery Place, on West Street, New York City, New York County, New York, to Elizabethport, Elizabeth, Union County, New Jersey, in the evening the same day. The regiment was ordered to proceed by the New Jersey Central Railroad to Washington, D. C., at 7 PM on 19 June, 1861.
Bedford Avenue to South Seventh Street, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, 19 June, 1861: The 38th New York Infantry was ordered to South Seventh Street, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, at 5 PM on 19 June, 1861.
Note: The 38th New York Infantry was ordered to proceed by the Long Island Railroad to the junction of Fulton and Bedford Avenues, Kings County, New York, at 2.15 PM on 19 June, 1861.
Elizabethport, Elizabeth, Union County, New Jersey, to Washington, D. C., 20-21 June, 1861: The 38th New York Infantry arrived by the Lebanon Valley Railroad at Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, via Easton, Northampton County, and Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania, at 10 AM on 20 June, 1861, and by the Northern Central Railroad at Bolton Station, corner of Bolton and North Howard Streets, Baltimore City, Maryland, at 6 PM the same day. The regiment arrived by the Washington Branch, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, at Washington, D. C., via Annapolis Junction, Howard County, Maryland, at 1 AM on 21 June, 1861.
Note: The 38th New York Infantry arrived at the steamboat landing, on Front Street, Elizabethport, Elizabeth, Union County, New Jersey, in the afternoon on 19 June, 1861.
Department of Washington, 21 June-7 July, 1861
The 38th New York Infantry was stationed at the Assembly Rooms, on Louisiana Avenue, and old Trinity/ Plymouth Church, on West Fifth/Sixth Street, Washington, D. C., on 21 June, 1861.
Assembly Rooms, on Louisiana Avenue, & old Trinity/ Plymouth Church, on West Fifth/ Sixth Street, Washington, to Meridian Hill, west of Fourteenth Street Road, D. C., 22 June, 1861: The 38th New York Infantry was ordered to Meridian Hill, west of Fourteenth Street Road, D. C., in the morning on 22 June, 1861.
Note: The Second Brigade, Third Division, McDowell's Army, under the command of Colonel O B Wilcox, was organised with the 11th New York Infantry and the 1st Michigan Infantry on 3 July, 1861.
The 38th New York Infantry was stationed on Meridian Hill, west of Fourteenth Street Road, D. C., between 22 June and 7 July, 1861.
Department of Northeastern virginia, 7 July-17 August, 1861
The 38th New York Infantry was ordered to proceed by the steamers Baltimore and Philadelphia on the Potomac River at Sixth Street wharf, Washington, D. C., at 12/1 PM on 7 July, 1861.
General Orders No.13, Headquarters, Department of Northeastern Virginia, Arlington, Alexandria County, Virginia, 8 July, 1861: The 38th New York Infantry was assigned to the Second Brigade, Third Division, McDowell's Army, under the command of Colonel O B Willcox, by General Orders No.13, Headquarters, Department of Northeastern Virginia, Arlington, Alexandria County, Virginia, on 8 July, 1861.
Alexandria to Shuter's Hill, on mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, 12 July, 1861: The 38th New York Infantry arrived at Camp Scott, half a mile west of Fort Ellsworth, on Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, in the evening on 12 July, 1861.
Disposition of Second Brigade, Third Division, McDowell's Army, 15 July, 1861: Colonel O B Willcox, 1st Michigan Infantry, Headquarters, D G Watkins' farm, on Strawberry Hill, half a mile southeast of Cloud's Mill, Fairfax County, Virginia; 1st Michigan Infantry, Major A F Bidwell, Cloud's Mills, Fairfax County, Virginia; 4th Michigan Infantry, Colonel D A Woodbury, Cloud's Mill, Fairfax County, Virginia; 11th New York Infantry, Colonel N L Farnham, Cameron Run, west of D G Watkins' farm, on Strawberry Hill, half a mile southeast of Cloud's Mill, Fairfax County, Virginia; 38th New York Infantry, Colonel J H H Ward, Camp Scott, half a mile west of Fort Ellsworth, on Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia; 2nd United States Artillery, Light Company D, Captain R Arnold, 5th United States Artillery, Light Company G, Fort Ellsworth, on Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia
Note: The 38th New York Infantry was stationed at Camp Scott, west of Fort Ellsworth, on Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, between 12 and 16 July, 1861.
Advance to Centreville, 16-18 July, 1861
The 38th New York Infantry was ordered to proceed by the Old Fairfax Road to Bone Mill, on the west side of Accontik Creek, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 10 AM on 16 July, 1861, and arrived at the east side of Pohick Run, two miles west of Bone Mill, on the west side of Accontik Creek, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the evening the same day.
Note: Colonel S P Heintzelman, 17th United States Infantry, was ordered to proceed by the Old Fairfax Road to Bone Mill, on the west side of Accontik Creek, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 5 PM on 16 July, 1861.
Pohick Run, two miles west of Bone Mill, on the west side of Accontik Creek, to Fairfax County, Fairfax Station, Virginia, 17 July, 1861: The 38th New York Infantry was ordered to Sangster's/ W Elzey's Crossroads, two miles south of Fairfax Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 5 AM on 17 July, 1861, and arrived by the Pohick Road at 12 PM the same day. The regiment arrived at Fairfax Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 1 PM on 17 July, 1861.
Fairfax Station to Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, 18 July, 1861: The 38th New York Infantry was ordered to Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 4 PM on 18 July, 1861, and arrived at the old Braddock Road, one and a half miles southeast of Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 8.30 PM the same day.
First battle of Bull Run, 21 July, 1861
The 38th New York Infantry was stationed at the old Braddock Road, one and a half miles southeast of Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the morning on 21 July, 1861.
Advance to Sudley Ford, on the Bull Run River, 21 July, 1861: The 38th New York Infantry was ordered to Sudley Ford, on the Bull Run River, at 5.30 AM on 21 July, 1861.
Advance to Henry Hill, one mile west of the Stone Bridge, on the Bull Run River, 21 July, 1861: The 38th New York Infantry was ordered across Sudley Spring's Ford, on Catharpin Run, to west of J Robinson's, on Henry Hill, one mile west of the Stone Bridge, on the Bull Run River, in the afternoon on 21 July, 1861.
Withdrawal to Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, 21 July, 1861: The 38th New York Infantry was ordered to the old Braddock Road, one and a half miles southeast of Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 4 PM on 21 July, 1861.
Retreat to Washington, 21-22 July, 1861
The 38th New York Infantry arrived at the old Braddock Road, one and a half miles of southeast of Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 9 PM on 21 July, 1861, and was ordered to Fairfax Courthouse, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the evening the same day. The regiment arrived at Camp Scott, two miles east of Watkins farm, on Strawberry Hill, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 8 AM on 22 July, 1861.
Note: Colonel J H H Ward, 38th New York Infantry, was temporarily assigned to command the Second Brigade, Third Division, McDowell's Army, at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861.
List of killed, etc, 38th New York Infantry, 21 July, 1861: w/c Major J D Potter, c Quartermaster C J Murphy, Assistant Surgeon S Griswold, ; Company A, w 2, w/c 1, c 1, m 2, t 6; Company B, k 2, w 4, w/c 6, c 3, t 15; Company C, w 3, w/c 5, c 4, d 1, t 13; Company D, k 2, w 6, c 3, t 11; Company E, w 3, w/c 2, c 3, t 8; Company F, k 4, w 5, w/c 2, c 1, t 12; Company G, k 1, w 1, w/c 2, c 3, t 7; Company H, k 1, w 9, w/c 1, c 1, w/m 1, t 13; Company I, k 4, w 5, w/c 3, c 3, m 1, t 16; Company K, w 4, w/c 5, c 2, w/m 1, m 1, t 13; Killed 14, wounded 42, wounded/captured 28; captured 25, wounded/missing 2, missing 4, deserted 1, total 116
Return of casualties in the 38th New York Infantry, Second Brigade, Third Division, Army of Northeastern Virginia, at the battle of Bull Run, 21 July, 1861: Killed 15, wounded 55, captured/missing 58, total 128
Note: The 38th New York Infantry was stationed at Camp Scott, half a mile west of Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, on 29 July, 1861, and was temporarily assigned to the Seventh Brigade, Fourth Division, Division of the Potomac, under the command of Acting Brigadier General & Colonel O O Howard, 3rd Maine Infantry, on 5 August, 1861 (See the 3rd Maine Infantry).
Temporary organisation of Seventh Brigade, Fourth Division, Division of the Potomac, 5 August, 1861: Acting Brigadier General & Colonel O O Howard, 3rd Maine Infantry; 11th New York Infantry, Colonel N L Farnham; 38th New York Infantry, Colonel J H H Ward; 40th New York Infantry, Colonel E J Riley; 2nd New Jersey Infantry, Colonel G W McLean; 3rd New Jersey Infantry, Colonel G W Taylor; 11th Massachusetts Infantry, Colonel G Clark, Jr.
Leesburg & Alexandria Turnpike, half a mile northeast of Fort Ellsworth, on Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, Virginia, 10 August, 1861: The 38th New York Infantry was stationed on the Leesburg & Alexandria Turnpike, half a mile northeast of Fort Ellsworth, on Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, on 10 August, 1861.
Organisation of Acting Brigadier General & Colonel J Sedgwick's brigade, Division of the Potomac, 15 August, 1861: Acting Brigadier General & Colonel J Sedgwick, 4th United States Cavalry; 38th New York Infantry, Colonel J H H Ward; 3rd Maine Infantry, Colonel O O Howard; 4th Maine Infantry, Colonel H G Berry; 40th New York Infantry, Colonel E J Riley
Note: The 38th New York Infantry was assigned to Sedgwick's Brigade, Division of the Potomac, under the command of Acting Brigadier General & Colonel J Sedgwick, 4th United States Cavalry, on 15 August, 1861.
Mustered out, New York City, New York County, New York, 22 June, 1863: The 38th New York Infantry was consolidated as Companies, A, B, C, D, E, and F, on 21 December, 1862, and the 55th New York Infantry, Companies D, F, I, and K, under the command of Captains L DeMasure, J J Four, A E Veyer, and G C Williams, respectively, were assigned as the 38th New York Infantry, Companies H (2nd), G (2nd), I (2nd), and K (2nd), respectively, on 21 December, 1862. The three years' men of the 38th New York Infantry were assigned to the 40th New York Infantry, Company E (2nd), on 25 May, 1863, and the 38th New York Infantry was mustered out at New York City, New York County, New York, on 22 June, 1863 (See the 40th New York Infantry).
Colonel O B Willcox, 1st Michigan Infantry, Second Brigade, Third Division, McDowell's Army, 24 April, 1861: O B Willcox was appointed colonel, 1st Michigan Infantry, on 24 April, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for three months at Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, by Lieutenant Colonel E Backus, 3rd United States Infantry, on 1 May, 1861. Colonel O B Willcox, 1st Michigan Infantry, was assigned to command the 1st Michigan Infantry and the 11th New York Infantry at Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, by Special Orders No.17, Paragraph II, Headquarters, Department of Northeastern Virginia, Arlington, Alexandria County, Virginia, on 1 July, 1861.
Note: Cadets J R Edie, Jr., and F H Parker, United States Military Academy, were ordered to Washington, D. C., on 30 June, 1861, and arrived in the morning on 3 July, 1861. Cadet J R Edie, Jr., United States Military Academy, second lieutenant, 2nd United States Cavalry, Company D; and Cadet F H Parker, United States Military Academy, second lieutenant, 2nd United States Dragoons, Company B, by General Orders No.41, War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., on 3 July, 1861, dated 24 June, 1861, and were assigned to special duty as a drill instructor at Washington, D. C., in the afternoon on 3 July, 1861. Second Lieutenant J R Edie, Jr., 2nd United States Cavalry, Company D, was appointed aide de camp to Colonel O B Willcox, 1st Michigan Infantry, on 5 July, 1861, and Second Lieutenant D F H Parker, 2nd United States Dragoons, Company B, acting aide de camp to Colonel O B Willcox, 1st Michigan Infantry, at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861.
Colonel S P Heintzelman, 17th United States Infantry, Third Division, McDowell's Army, 18 June, 1861, dated 14 May, 1861: Major S P Heintzelman, 1st United States Infantry, was ordered to Washington, D. C., by General Orders No.12, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., on 27 April, 1861, and to proceed by the New Jersey Railroad in the morning on 3 May, 1861. He arrived by the Washington Branch, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, in the morning on 4 May, 1861, and was appointed acting inspector general, Department of Washington, by Special Orders No.20, Headquarters, Department of Washington, Washington, D. C., on 8 May, 1861. Acting Inspector General & Major S P Heintzelman, United States Army, was assigned to command the the 8th New York State Militia, the 12th New York State Militia, and the 25th New York State Militia by General Orders No.1, Paragraph III, Headquarters, Department of Northeastern Virginia, Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, on 28 May, 1861, and was appointed colonel, 17th United States Infantry, by General Orders No.33, Paragraph I, War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., on 18 June, 1861, dated 14 May, 1861. Colonel S P Heintzelman, 17th United States Infantry, was appointed brigadier general, United States Volunteers, by General Orders No.62, War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., on 20 August, 1861, dated 17 May, 1861.
Note: Cadet F U Farquhar, United States Military Academy, was ordered to Washington, D. C., on 30 June, 1861, and arrived in the morning on 3 July, 1861. He was appointed brevet second lieutenant, United States Corps Engineers, by General Orders No.41, War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., on 3 July, 1861, dated 24 June, 1861, and was assigned to special duty as a drill instructor at Washington, D. C., in the afternoon on 3 July, 1861. Brevet Second Lieutenant F U Farquhar, United States Corps Engineers, was appointed acting aide de camp to Colonel S P Heintzelman, 17th United States Infantry, at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861.
OFFICIAL REPORT NO.47: Series I, Volume 2 (Serial No.2), Chapter IX, pp 410-411
Colonel J H Ward, Thirty-eighth New York Infantry, Second Brigade, Third Division, McDowell's Army, dated two miles east of Watkins farm, on Strawberry Hill, Fairfax County, Virginia, 29 July, 1861
OFFICIAL REPORT NO.49: Series I, Volume 2 (Serial No.2), Chapter IX, pp413-416
Lieutenant Colonel A Farnsworth, Thirty-eighth New York Infantry, dated Camp Scott, two miles east of Watkins farm, on Strawberry Hill, Fairfax County, Virginia, 29 July, 1861
OFFICIAL REPORT NO.46: Series I, Volume 2 (Serial No.2), Chapter IX, p408-410
Colonel O B Willcox, First Michigan Infantry, Second Brigade, Third Division, McDowell's Army, dated Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, 3 September, 1862
OFFICIAL REPORT NO.43: Series I, Volume 2 (Serial No.2), Chapter IX, p402-404
Colonel S P Heintzleman, Seventeenth United States Infantry, Third Division, McDowell's Army, dated Washington, D. C., 31 July, 1861
Orders of Battle
The above painting, 'New York's Bravest', is by Don Troiani, modern America's finest historical artist.