The Fourth Alabama Painting by Don Troiani

First Brigade, Third Division

Colonel W A Gorman, 1st Mnnesota Infantry

Colonel W A Gorman, 1st Minnesota Infantry

First Minnesota Infantry

Mustered in United States service for three years 10 May, 1861. Arrived at Washington, D. C., 26 June, 1861

W A Gorman was appointed colonel, 1st Minnesota Infantry, by General Orders No.4, General Headquarters, State of Minnesota, Fort Snelling, on the Mississippi River, Hennepin County, Minnesota, and was mustered in United States service for three months at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 29 April, 1861.

Private S Miller, 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company D, was appointed lieutenant colonel, 1st Minnesota Infantry, by General Orders No.4, General Headquarters, State of Minnesota, Fort Snelling, on the Mississippi River, Hennepin County, Minnesota, and was mustered in United States service for three months at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 29 April, 1861.

Captain W H Dike, 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company G, was appointed major, 1st Minnesota Infantry, by General Orders No.4, General Headquarters, State of Minnesota, Fort Snelling, on the Mississippi River, Hennepin County, Minnesota, and was mustered in United States service for three months at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 29 April, 1861. Major W H Dike, 1st Minnesota Infantry, resigned on 22 October, 1861.

Company A Pioneer Guards, 23rd Minnesota Militia, Company A: CAPT. A WILKIN
The company was accepted in state service for three months at St Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on 19 April, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for three months at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 29 April, 1861. The company was mustered in United States service for three years at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 11 May, 1861.
Company B Stillwater Guards: CAPT. C A BROMLEY
The company was accepted in state service for three months at Stillwater, Washington County, Minnesota, on 20 April, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for three months at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 29 April, 1861. The company was mustered in United States service for three years at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 11 May, 1861, and Captain C A Bromley, 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company B, resigned on 18 July, 1861. First Lieutenant M W Downie, 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company B, was assigned to command the 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company B, at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861.
Company C St Paul Volunteers: CAPT. W H ACKER
The company was accepted in state service for three months at St Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on 22 April, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for three months at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 29 April, 1861. The company was mustered in United States service for three years at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 11 May, 1861, and Captain W H Acker, 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company C, was wounded at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861. He was appointed captain, 16th United States Infantry, on 8 August, 1861.
Company D Lincoln Guards: CAPT. H R PUTNAM
The company was accepted in state service for three months at Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, on 23 April, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for three months at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 29 April, 1861. The company was mustered in United States service for three years at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 11 May, 1861, and Captain H R Putnam, 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company D, was wounded at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861.
Company E St Anthony Zouaves: CAPT. G N MORGAN
The company was accepted in state service for three months at St Anthony, Hennepin and Ramsey Counties, Minnesota, on 23 April, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for three months at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 29 April, 1861. The company was mustered in United States service for three years at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 11 May, 1861.
Company F Red Wing Volunteers/ Goodhue County Volunteers: CAPT. W COLVILLE
The company was accepted in state service for three months at Red Wing, Goodhue County, Minnesota, on 25 April, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for three months at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 29 April, 1861. The company was mustered in United States service for three years at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 11 May, 1861.
Company G Faribault Guards/ Volunteers: CAPT. L MCKUNE
The company was accepted in state service for three months at Faribault, Rice County, Minnesota, on 25 April, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for three months at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 29 April, 1861. Captain W H Dike, 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company G, was appointed major, 1st Minnesota Infantry, by General Orders No.4, General Headquarters, State of Minnesota, the same day and First Lieutenant L McKune, 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company G, was appointed captain, 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company G, on 29 April, 1861. Captain L McKune, 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company G, was killed at the battle of first Bull Run on 21 July, 1861.
Company H Dakota County Volunteers: CAPT. C P ADAMS
The company was accepted in state service for three months at Hastings, Dakota and Washington Counties, Minnesota, on 26 April, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for three months at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 30 April, 1861. The company was mustered in United States service for three years at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 11 May, 1861.
Company I Wabasha Volunteers: CAPT. J H PELL
The company was accepted in state service for three months at Wabasha, Wabasha County, Minnesota, on 26 April, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for three months at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 30 April, 1861. The company was mustered in United States service for three years at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 11 May, 1861.
Company K Winona Volunteers: CAPT. H C LESTER
The company was accepted in state service for three months at Winona, Winona County, Minnesota, on 26 April, 1861, and was mustered in United States service for three months at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 30 April, 1861. The company was mustered in United States service for three years at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 11 May, 1861, and Captain H C Lester, 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company K, was appointed colonel, 3rd Maine Infantry, on 15 November, 1861 (See the 3rd Maine Infantry).

Organisation of 1st Minnesota Infantry at the first battle of Bull Run, 21 July, 1861: Colonel W A Gorman, Lieutenant Colonel S Miller, Major W H Dike; Company A, Pioneer Guards, Captain A Wilkin; Company B, Stillwater Guards, Captain C A Bromley; Company C, St Paul Volunteers, Captain W H Acker; Company D, Lincoln Guards, Captain H R Putnam; Company E, St Anthony Zouaves, Captain G N Morgan; Company F, Red Wing Volunteers/ Goodhue County Volunteers, Captain W Colville; Company G, Faitbault Guards/ Volunteers, Captain L McKune; Company H, Dakota County Volunteers, Captain C P Adams; Company I, Wabasha Volunteers, Captain J H Pell; Company K, Winona Volunteers, Captain H C Lester


"Companies A and E, First Regiment Minnesota Volunteers, have orders to prepare for marching to Fort Ripley on Tuesday. These are Capt. Wilkin's and Capt. Morgan's companies. Capt. Wilkins, as senior Captain of the regiment, will assume command of the post, and relieve Capt. Davis, 2d infantry, who with his command is ordered east company B, Capt. Bromley, and company G, Capt. McKune, go to Fort Ridgley to relieve Major Patten, and his company of 2d Infantry now at that post. The command of this post has been assigned to Major Dyke. It is understood, although the order has not yet been issued, that company C, Capt. Acker, and company D, Capt. Putman, go to Fort Ridgely. This post will be under command of Lieut. Col. Miller, who will relieve Col. Day and the 2d Infantry troops under him now stationed there."

St Paul Press (St Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota), 26 May, 1861 - Movement of Minnesota troops

"On Tuesday next, to relieve the companies of the Second Infantry, now garrisonong the Forts of the State,. The following is the movement: Company A, Capt. Wilkin, and Company E, Capt. Morgan, to proceed to Fort Ripley. Capt. Wilkin to be commandant of the post. Company B, Capt. Bromley, and Company G, Capt. McKune, to proceed (by water?) to Fort Ridgely, which post will be commanded by Major Dyke. It is thought Company C, Capt. Acker, and Company D, Capt. Putman, will be sent to Fort Abercrombie."

Weekly Pioneer & Democrat (St Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota), 31 May, 1861 - Orders to march

"The muster of the ten companies composing the First regiment of Minnesota was completed on Tuesday, 30 April, at Fort Snelling. The companies mustered into service on Tuesday by Captain Nelson, of the United States Army, were the Winona Volunteers, numbering 79 men; the Dakota Volunteers, Captain Adams, numbering 83 men and the Wabasha Volunteers, Captain Pell, numbering 82 men. The above companies make up the whole regiment. The number complete is as follows; Pioneer Guard 96, St Paul Volunteers 86, Red Wing Volunteers 100, Faribault Volunteers 101, Minneapolis Volunteers 98, St Anthony Volunteers 86, Stillwater Volunteers 99, Winina Volunteers 79, Dakota Volunteers 83, Wabashaw Volunteers 82, total 909."

New York Herald (New York, New York City, New York), 9 June, 1861 - The Minnesota Regiment complete

"The steamer Northern Belle, Captain Laughton, went up to Fort Snelling early in the morning, and about nine o'clock returnrd to the city bringing four companies of the First Regiment Minnesota Volunteers, accompanied by Colonel gorman and the remaining members of his staff stationed at the Fort. The companies were those commanded by Captains Adams, Colville, Pell and Lester."

Weekly Pioneer & Democrat (St Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota), 21 June, 1861 - Arrival of soldiers

"Lieutenant Colonel Miller's command, which was overtaken while within ten miles of St Cloud, en route for Fort Abercrombie, arrived at Fort Snelling yesterday, at 2 P. M. Capt. Wilkin's command ledt Fort Ripley on Monday, and is expected here Friday. The troops from Fort Ridgely will arrive tomorrow on the City Belle."

Weekly Pioneer & Democrat (St Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota), 21 June, 1861 - Arrival of soldiers

"The First Minnesota Regiment arrived at the station at 11 o'clock last night, and went into barracks at the Assembly Rooms. They number between one thousand and eleven hundred men, about one hundred and fifty of whom remained behind to garrison the forts temporarily."

Evening Star (Washington, D. C.), 27 June, 1861 - More troops, Vermont and Minnesota in the field

"About two o'clock in the afternoon the First Regiment of Infantry from Minnesota reached the Bolton Depot and marched along Biddle, Cathedral, Eutaw and Conway streets to the Camden Railway Station."

Baltimore American (Baltimore City, Maryland), 27 June, 1861 - Arrival and departure of troops

"The First Regiment of Minnesota Volunteers left St Paul on Saturday for Harrisburg. The men marched through St Paul, and are said to be in a capital state of training. They embarked on the steamers War Eagle and La Crosse. Col. Gorman with companies F, G, H, I, and K will proceed to Chicago via La Crosse. Lieut. Col. Miller with companies B, C, D, and E to Chicago via Prairie du Chien. Capt. Wilkin's company (A) arrived at Fort Snelling on Monday morning, and on the following morning embarked on the Milwaukee to join the remainder of the Regiment at Harrisburg. Lieut. Ceats, of this company, was left at Fort Ripley in charge of the public property until it can be turned over."

St Cloud Democrat (St Cloud, Stearn's County, Minnesota), 27 June, 1861 - The Minnesota First

"We learn by the boats up yesterday, that the detachment of the First Regiment, under command of Colonel Gorman, left La Crosse by special train on Sunday morning at two o'clock. The detachment under the command of Lieut. Colonel Miller left prairie du Chien at 5 o'clock the same morning. The train arrived at Janesville at A. M., two hours and a half in advance of the La Crosse train. From thence the two trains proceeded to Chicago on the same table."

St Cloud Democrat (St Cloud, Stearn's County, Minnesota), 27 June, 1861 - The Minnesota First

"The first regiment of Minnesota troops arrived at Chicago, at 6 P. M., on Sunday evening. In accordance with regimental orders, the troops left Fort Snelling at an early hour and arrived at St. Paul at 8 o'clock A. M. on Saturday. They debarked at the Upper Levee and marched through the city to the Lower Levee without breaking ranks, amid cheers of the populace that lined the streets and filled the windows. A portion of the regiment came down the river to La Crosse and thence to Minnesota Junction, where they took the cars of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad. The balance came to Prairie du Chien and thnce to Milton Junction where they took a special train on the above named road."

Weekly Pioneer & Democrat (St Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota), 28 June, 1861 - What is thought of the First Regiment

"On Friday forenoon all was bustle at Fort Snelling. Outside the Fort, Lieut. Col. Miller's Fort Abercrombie detachment was encamped. There were two companies, Company C, of St Paul, and Company D, of Minneapolis, Capt. Putman."

St Cloud Democrat (St Cloud, Stearn's County, Minnesota), 4 July, 1861 - Departure of the Minnesota First Regiment

"At 8 o'clock yesterday morning, the first Minnesota regiment broke camp and marched to the navy yard, where they embarked on board the steamers Baltimore and Philadelphia for Alexandria."

National Republican (Washington, D. C.), 4 July, 1861 - Gone to Virginia

"Camp Gorman, near Alexandria, 4 July, 1861 - We arrived here yesterday, in tip-top health and spirits. This morning Capt. Adams' Company H, were ordered off to guard the railroad and telegraph station, about four miles from here."

Weekly Pioneer & Democrat (St Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota), 31 May, 1861 - Letter from Company A: the boys all right

Books/ Manuscripts

History of the First Regiment Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1864, with maps and illustrations

The last full measure: The life and death of the First Minnesota Volunteers, by Richard Moe

No more gallant a deed: A Civil War memoir of the First Minnesota Volunteers, by James A Wright

James A. Wright papers 1907-1914: James A Wright, Company F, writing in 1904, Minnesota Historical Society

Christopher Heffelfinger papers 1861-1929: Christopher Heffelfinger, Company D, writing in 1915, Minnesota Historical Society

Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars, 1861-1865, edited by Minnesota Board of Commissioners

Go if you think it your duty: A Minnesota couple's Civil War letters, by Andrea R Foroughi

From first to last: The life of Major General William B. Franklin, by Mark A Snell

From Bull Run to Bristow Station, by M H Bassett

The Union Army: A history of military affairs in the loyal states 1861-65, records of the regiments in the Union Army, cyclopedia of battles, memoirs of commanders and soldiers, Volume 4, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, California, Oregon, The Territories and district of Columbia


The 1st Minnesota Infantry was ordered to rendezvous at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Adjutant General W H Acker, Minnesota Militia, on 29 April, 1861.

Note: The 1st Minnesota Infantry was authorised by a proclamation calling for 75,000 militia to serve three months on 15 April, 1861, and was accepted in state service for three months at St Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on 16 April, 1861.

Lower Levee, St Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, Companies F, G, & H, 27 April, 1861: The Red Wing Volunteers/ Goodhue County Volunteers (100), under the command of Captain W Colville; the Faribault Guards/ Volunteers (101), under the command of First Lieutenant L McKune; and the Dakota Volunteers (83), under the command of Captain C P Adams, arrived by the steamer Ocean Wave at the Lower Levee, St Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, at 9 PM on 27 April, 1861.

Note: The Pioneer Guards (96), under the command of Captain A Wilkin, and Captain W H Dike, Faribault Guards/ Volunteers, were stationed at St Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, in the evening on 27 April, 1861.

Rendezvous at Fort Snelling, 29 April & 2 May, 1861

The 1st Minnesota Infantry was ordered to rendezvous at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Adjutant General W H Acker, Minnesoat Militia, on 29 April, 1861.

Winona, Winona County, to Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi a& Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Company K, 29 April, 1861: The Winona Volunteers (79) arrived by the steamer Golden Era on the Mississippi River at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, in the morning on 29 April, 1861.

St Paul, Ramsey County, to Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi & Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Companies A, C, F, G, & H, 29 April, 1861: The Pioneer Guards, the St Paul Volunteers, the Red Wing Volunteers/ Goodhue County Volunteers, the Faribault Guards/ Volunteers, and the Dakota County Volunteers arrived by the steamer Ocean Wave on the Mississippi River at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, at 10 AM on 29 April, 1861.

Minneapolis & St Anthony, Hennepin & Ramsey Counties, to Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi & Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Companies D & E, 29 April, 1861: The Lincoln Guards (98) and the St Anthony Zouaves (86) arrived at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, at 11 AM on 29 April, 1861.

Stillwater, Washington County, to Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi & Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Company B, 29 April, 1861: The Stillwater Guards (99) arrived at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, at 5 PM on 29 April, 1861.

Wabasha, Wabasha County, to Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi & Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Company I, 29 April, 1861: The Wabasha Volunteers (82) arrived by the steamer Key City at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, at 7 PM on 29 April, 1861.

Mustered for three months, Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi & Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, 29 & 30 April, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies A, B, C, D, E, F, and G, were mustered in United States service for three months at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, in the afternoon on 29 April, 1861, and Companies H, I, and K on 30 April, 1861.

Note: The 1st Minnesota Infantry was ordered to rendezvous at St Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, under the call for 75,000 troops to serve three months by President A Lincoln on 15 April, 1861.

Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi & Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Companies A, B, C, D, E, & G, 4 May, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies A, B, C, D, E, and G, were ordered to garrison Fort Ridgely, Artillery School of Practice, one mile west of the Minnesota River, Nicollett County, Minnesota; Fort Ripley, on the west bank of the Mississippi River, opposite Nokay River, Morrison County, Minnesota; and Fort Abercrombie, on the west bank of the Red River, Dakota Territory, on 4 May, 1861 (See the United States Battalion Infantry).

Mustered for three years, Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi & Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, 11 May, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry was mustered in United States service for three years at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, by Captain A D Nelson, 10th United States Infantry, Company A, on 11 May, 1861.

Note: The 1st Minnesota Infantry was reorganised for three years at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, on 10 May, 1861.

Garrison at Fort Ridgely, Companies B & G, 28 May, 1861

The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies B and G, under the command of Major W H Dike, were ordered to proceed by the steamer Frank Steele on the Minnesota River to Fort Ridgely, Artillery School of Practice, one mile west of the Minnesota River, Nicollett County, Minnesota, at 10 AM on 28 May, 1861, and were assigned to garrison duty at Fort Ridgely, Artillery School of Practice, one mile west of the Minnesota River, Nicollett County, Minnesota, between 28 May and 22 June, 1861.

Note: The 2nd United States Infantry, Company K, under the command of Major G W Patten, 9th United States Infantry, was ordered to proceed by the Frank Steele on the Minnesota River to Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, in the evening on 30 May, 1861 (See the United States Battalion Infantry).

Garrison at Fort Ridgely, Artillery School of Practice, one mile west of the Minnesota River, Nicollett County, Minnesota, 28 May, 1861: Brevet Major & Captain G W Patten, 2nd United States Infantry, Company K; 2nd United States Infantry, Company K, First Lieutenant R F Hunter

Note: The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies B and G, under the command of Major W H Dike, were assigned to garrison duty at Fort Ridgely, Artillery School of Practice, one mile west of the Minnesota River, Nicollett County, Minnesota, on 4 May, 1861.

Garrison duty at Fort Ripley, Companies A & E, 29 May & 6 June, 1861

The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company A, was ordered to Fort Ripley, on the west bank of the Mississippi River, opposite Nokay River, Morrison County, Minnesota, in the morning on 29 May, 1861, and arrived at Rice Creek, six miles north of St Anthony, Hennepin and Ramsey Counties, Minnesota, in the evening the same day. The company arrived at Elk River, east of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota, at 2 PM on 30 May, 1861, and east of the Missassippi River and St Cloud, Stearn's County, Minnesota, in the moning on 1 June, 1861. The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company A, was stationed eight miles southeast of Fort Ripley, on the west bank of the Mississippi River, opposite Nokay River, Morrison County, Minnesota, on 2 June, 1861, and arrived at 9/10 AM on 3 June, 1861.

Note: The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company E, was ordered to Fort Ripley, on the west bank of the Mississippi River, opposite Nokay River, Morrison County, Minnesota, in the morning on 6 June, 1861.

Garrison at Fort Ripley, on the west bank of the Mississippi River, opposite Nokay River, Morrison County, Minnesota, 29 May, 1861: Colonel J J Abercrombie, 7th United States Infantry; 2nd United States Infantry, Company C, Captain N H Davis, First (See the United States Battalion Infantry)

Note: The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies A and E, under the command of Senior Captain A Wilkin, 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companiy A, were assigned to garrison duty at Fort Ripley, on the west bank of the Mississippi River, opposite Nokay River, Morrison County, Minnesota, on 4 May, 1861.

Garrison duy at Fort Abercrombie, countermanded, Companies C & D, 10 June, 1861

The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies C and D, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel S Miller, were ordered to Fort Abercrombie, on the west bank of the Red River, Dakota Territory, in the morning on 10 June, 1861, and were stationed two miles north of Anoka, Anoka County, Minnesota, in the evening on 13 June, 1861. The order to proceed to Fort Abercrombie, on the west bank of the Red River, Dakota Territory, was countermanded sixteen miles south of St Cloud, Stearn's County, Minnesota, in the evening on 15 June, 1861, and the 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies C and D, were ordered to Fort Snelling, at the junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, in the morning on 16 June, 1861.

Note: Lieutenant Colonel S Miller, 1st Minnesota Infantry, was stationed at St Cloud, Stearn's County, Minnesota, in the evening on 15 June, 1861, and was ordered to Fort Snelling, at the junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, in the morning on 16 June, 1861.

Garrison at Fort Abercrombie, on the west bank of the Red River, Dakota Territory, 10 June, 1861: Lieutenant Colonel H Day, 2nd United States Infantry; 2nd United States Infantry, Company A, Captain C S Lovell; 2nd United States Infantry, Company D, First Lieutenant W H Jordan, 9th United States Infantry, Company F; 2nd United States Infantry, Company I, Captain D Davidson (See the United States Battalion Infantry)

Note: The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies C and D, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel S Miller, were assigned to garrison duty at Fort Abercrombie, on the west bank of the Red River, Dakota Territory, on 4 May, 1861.

Rendezvous at Fort Snelling, 14 June, 1861

The 1st Minnesota Infantry was ordered to rendezvous at Fort Snelling, at the junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, on 14 June, 1861.

Sixteen miles south of St Cloud, Stearn's County, to Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi & Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Companies C & D, 16-20 June, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies C and D, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel S Miller, were ordered to Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, in the morning on 16 June, 1861, and arrived at 2 PM on 20 June, 1861.

Fort Ripley, on the west bank of the Mississippi River, opposite Nokay River, Morrison County, to Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi & Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Company E, 17-21 June, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company E, was ordered to Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, on 17 June, 1861, and arrived in the morning on 21 June, 1861.

Fort Ridgely, Artillery School of Practice, one mile west of the Minnesota River, Nicollett County, to Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi & Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Companies B & G, 22 June, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies B and G, under the command of Major W H Dike, arrived by the steamer City Belle on the Minnesota River at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, in the morning on 22 June, 1861.

Note: A detachment of the 1st Minnesota Infantry (25/50), Company G, under the command of Captain L McKune, was assigned to guard Government property at Fort Ridgely, Artillery School of Practice, one mile west of the Minnesota River, Nicollett County, Minnesota, on 14 June, 1861.

Fort Ripley, on the west bank of the Mississippi River, opposite Nokay River, Morrison County, to Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi & Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Company A, 24 June, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company A, arrived at Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, on 24 June, 1861, and arrived in the morning on 24 June, 1861.

Note: First Lieutenant H C Coates and Private E L Sproat, 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company A, were stationed at Fort Ripley, on the west bank of the Mississippi River, opposite Nokay River, Morrison County, Minnesota, on 27 June, 1861.

Fort Snelling to Janesville, 22-23 June, 1861

The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies B, C, D, and E, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel S Miller, were ordered to proceed by the steamer War Eagle on the Mississippi River to Washington, D. C., at 9 AM on 22 June, 1861, and arrived at the Upper Levee, St Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, the same day. Companies B, C, D, and E arrived on the Mississippi River at Prairie du Chien, Crawford County, Wisconsin, at 3.30 AM on 23 June, 1861, and were ordered to proceed by the Milwaukee & Prairie du Chien Railroad at Milton Junction, Rock County, Wisconsin, at 5 AM the same day. The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies B, C, D, and E, arrived at Janesville, Rock County, Wisconsin, at 11.30 AM on 23 June, 1861.

Fort Snelling, junction of the Mississippi & Minnesota Rivers, Hennepin County, Minnesota, to Janesville, Rock County, Wisconsin, Companies F, G, H, I, & K, 22-23 June, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies F, G, H, I, and K, under the command of Colonel W A Gorman, were ordered to proceed by the steamer Northern Belle on the Mississippi River to Washington, D. C., in the morning on 22 June, 1861, and arrived at the Upper Levee, St Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, at 9 AM the same day. Companies F, G, H, I, and K arrived on the Mississippi River at La Crosse, La Crosse County, Wisconsin, in the morning on 23 June, 1861, and were ordered to proceed by the La Crosse & Milwaukee Railroad at Minnesota Junction, Dodge County, Wisconsin, at 2 AM the same day. The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies F, G, H, I, and K, arrived at Janesville, Rock County, Wisconsin, at 2 PM on 23 June, 1861.

Note: The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies F, G, H, I, and K, arrived at Winona, Winona County, Minnesota, at 8 PM on 22 June, 1861.

Janesville to Washington, 23-26 June, 1861

The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and K, arrived by the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad at Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, at 6 PM on 23 June, 1861, and was ordered to proceed by the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad to Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, in the evening the same day. Companies B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and K arrived at Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana, at 7 AM on 24 June, 1861, and at Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, at 12 AM the same day. The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and K, were ordered to proceed by the Pennsylvania Railroad to Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at 10 PM on 24 June, 1861, and arrived in the morning on 25 June, 1861.

Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, to Washington D. C., Companies B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, & K, 26 June, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry (910/1,046), Companies B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and K, were ordered to proceed by the Northern Central Railroad to Washington, D. C., at 5 AM on 26 June, 1861, and arrived at Bolton Station, corner of Bolton and North Howard Streets, Baltimore City, Maryland, at 2 PM the same day. The regiment arrived by the Washington Branch, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, at Washington, D. C., via Annapolis Junction, Howard County, Maryland, at 11 PM on 26 June, 1861.

Note: The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and K, were stationed at Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, between 25 and 26 June, 1861, and a detachment of the 1st Minnesota Infantry (51/76), Company G, under the command of First Lieutenant W H Smith, arrived at Bolton Station, corner of Bolton and North Howard Streets, Baltimore City, Maryland, at 2 PM on 26 June, 1861.

Department of Washington, 26 June-3 July, 1861

The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies B, C, D, and E, were stationed at the Assembly Rooms, on Louisiana Avenue, and Companies F, G H, I, and K at the old Trinity/ Plymouth Church, on West Fifth Street, Washington, D. C., on 26 June, 1861.

Assembly Rooms, on Louisiana Avenue, & old Trinity/ Plymouth Church, on West Fifth Street, to West Seventh Street, Capitol Hill, east of the Capitol building, on Pennsylvania Avenue & North/ South Capitol Street, Washington, D. C., 27 June, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and K, arrived at Camp Minnesota, on West Seventh Street, Capitol Hill, east of the Capitol building, on Pennsylvania Avenue and North/ South Capitol Street, Washington, D. C., in the morning on 27 June, 1861.

Department of Northeastern Virginia, 3-22/24 July, 1861

The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and K, were stationed at Camp Minnesota, on West Seventh Street, Capitol Hill, east of the Capitol building, on Pennsylvania Avenue and North/ South Capitol Street, Washington, D. C., between 27 June and 3 July, 1861.

Camp Minnesota, on West Seventh Street, Capitol Hill, east of Capitol building, on Pennsylvania Avenue & North/ South Capitol Street, Washington, D. C., to Reservoir, on the Little River Turnpike, southeast of Fort Ellsworth, on Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, 3 July, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and K, were ordered to the Washington Navy Yard, on South M Street, between East Sixth and Ninth Streets, Washington, D. C., at 8 AM on 3 July, 1861, and to proceed by the steamers Baltimore and Philadelphia across the Potomac River to Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, at 12 PM the same day. Companies B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and K arrived at Kings Street wharf, Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, at 1 PM on 3 July, 1861, and were stationed at Camp Gorman, the Reservoir, on the Little River Turnpike, southeast of Fort Ellsworth, on Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, between 3 and 16 July, 1861.

Fort Snelling to Camp Gorman, Company A, 25 June-3 July, 1861

The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company A, arrived by the steamer Milwaukee, at the Upper Levee, St Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, at 7 AM on 25 June, 1861, and at Camp Gorman, the Reservoir, on the Little River Turnpike, southeast of Fort Ellsworth, on Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, on 3 July, 1861.

Note: The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company H, was assigned to guard duty on the Orange & Alexandria Railroad and Telegraph Office at Springfield Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the morning on 4 July, 1861.

General Orders No.13, Headquarters, Department of Northeastern Virginia, Arlington, Alexandria County, Virginia, 8 July, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry was assigned to the First Brigade, Third Division, McDowell's Army, under the command of Colonel W B Franklin, by General Orders No.13, Headquarters, Department of Northeastern Virginia, Arlington, Alexandria County, Virginia, on 8 July, 1861.

Reconnaissance to Baily's Crossroads, Companies E, F, & K,10 July, 1861

The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies E, F, and K, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel S Miller, were ordered on a reconnaissance to Baily's Crossroads, Fairfax County, Virginia, on 10 July, 1861.

Baily's Crossroads, Fairfax County, Virginia, 10 July, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies E, F, and K, arrived at Camp Gorman, north of the Little River Turnpike, southeast of Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, in the evening on 10 July, 1861.

Note: A detachment of the 1st Minnesota Infantry (25), Company G, under the command of Captain L McKune, arrived at Washington, D. C., on 13 July, 1861.

Disposition of First Brigade, Third Division, McDowell's Army, 15 July, 1861: Colonel W B Franklin, 12th United States Infantry, Headquarters; 5th Massachusetts Infantry, Colonel S C Lawrence, Camp Massachusetts, the Reservoir, on the Little River Turnpike, southeast of Fort Ellsworth, on Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia; 11th Massachusetts Infantry, Colonel G Clark, Jr., Camp Wilson, northeast of Fort Ellsworth, on Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia; 1st Minnesota Infantry, Colonel W A Gorman, Camp Gorman, north of the Little River Turnpike, southeast of Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia; 4th Pennsylvania Infantry, Colonel J F Hartranft, Camp Hale, northeast of Fort Ellsworth, on Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia; 2nd United States Cavalry, Company E, Captain W W Lowe, one mile east of Fort Ellsworth, on Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia; 1st United States Artillery, Light Company I, Captain J B Ricketts, east of Hooffs Run, on Kings Street, Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia

Note: A detachment of the 1st Minnesoat Infantry, Company F (10), under the command of First Lieutenant M A Hoyt, were assigned to guard duty north of the Little River Turnpike, southeast of Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, on 16 July, 1861.

Advance to Centreville, 16-18 July, 1861

The 1st Minnesota Infantry was ordered to proceed by the Old Fairfax Road to Bone Mill, on the west side of Accotink Creek, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 10 AM on 16 July, 1861, and arrived at the east side of Pohick Run, two miles west of Bone Mill, on the west side of Accotink Creek, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the evening the same day.

Note: Colonel S P Heintzelman, 17th United States Infantry, was ordered to proceed by the Old Fairfax Road to Bone Mill, on the west side of Accotink Creek, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 5 PM on 16 July, 1861, and a detachment of the 1st Minnesota Infantry (100), mostly sick, were assigned to guard duty at Camp Gorman, north of the Little River Turnpike, southeast of Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, between 16 and 22 July, 1861.

Pohick Run, two miles west of Bone Mill, on the west side of Accotink Creek, to Fairfax County, Fairfax Station, Virginia, 17 July, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry was ordered to Sangster's/ W Elzey's Crossroads, two miles south of Fairfax Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 5 AM on 17 July, 1861, and arrived by the Pohick Road in the morning the same day. The regiment arrived at Sangsters Station, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 3/4 PM on 17 July, 1861.

Sangster's Station to Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, 18 July, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry was ordered to Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 4/5 PM on 18 July, 1861, and arrived at the old Braddock Road, one and a half miles southeast of Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 9 PM the same day.

Reconnaissance to Union Mills (Station), Fairfax County, Virginia, Companies A & B, 18 July, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies A and B, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel S Miller, were ordered on a reconnaissance to Union Mills (Station), Fairfax County, Virginia, at 12 PM on 18 July, 1861, and arrived half a mile east of Union Mills (Station), Fairfax County, Virginia, the same day. Companies A and B, under the command of Captain A Wilkin, 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company A, were ordered to Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the evening on 18 July, 1861.

First battle of Bull Run, 21 July, 1861

The 1st Minnesota Infantry was stationed at the old Braddock Road, one and a half miles southeast of Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the morning on 21 July, 1861.

Advance to Sudley Ford, on the Bull Run River, 21 July, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry was ordered to Sudley Ford, on the Bull Run River, at 5.30 AM on 21 July, 1861.

Advance to Matthew's Hill, one mile southeast of Sudley Spring, Prince William County, Virginia, 21 July, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry was ordered across Sudley Spring's Ford, on Catharpin Run, to north of E Matthew's, on Matthew's Hill, one mile southeast of Sudley Spring, Prince William County, Virginia, in the morning on 21 July, 1861.

Note: The 1st Minnesota Infantry was assigned to support the 1st United States Artillery, Light Company I, in the afternoon on 21 July, 1861 (See the 1st United States Artillery, Light Company I).

Advance to Henry Hill, one mile west of the Stone Bridge, on the Bull Run River, 21 July, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry was ordered southwest of I Henry's/ Spring Hill, on Henry Hill, one mile west of the Stone Bridge, on the Bull Run River, at 2 PM on 21 July, 1861.

Skirmish southwest of I Henry's/ Spring Hill, on Henry Hill, one mile west of the Stone Bridge, on the Bull Run River, 21 July, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry and a detachment of the 11th New York Infantry were engaged in a skirmish southwest of I Henry's/ Spring Hill, on Henry Hill, one mile west of the Stone Bridge, on the Bull Run River, in the afternoon on 21 July, 1861 (See the 1st Virginia Cavalry).

Withdrawal to Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, 21 July, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry was ordered to the old Braddock Road, one and a half miles southeast of Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, at 4 PM on 21 July, 1861,

Retreat to Washington, 21-22 July, 1861

The 1st Minnesota Infantry was ordered to Fairfax Courthouse, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the evening on 21 July, 1861, and arrived at Camp Gorman, the Reservoir, on the Little River Turnpike, southeast of Fort Ellsworth, on Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, in the morning on 22 July, 1861.

Note: Private J B Irvine, 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company A, captured Lieutenant Colonel B B Boone, 2nd Mississippi Infantry, at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861, and the 1st Minnesota Infantry rendezvoused at Fort Runyon, junction of the Columbia and the Washington & Alexandria Turnpikes, Alexandria County, Virginia, in the afternoon on 22 July, 1861 (See the 2nd Mississippi Infantry).

Camp Gorman, the Reservoir, on the Little River Turnpike, southeast of Fort Ellsworth, on Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, to Washington, D. C., 22 July, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry was ordered to Washington, D. C., in the afternoon on 22 July, 1861, and arrived at Fort Runyon, junction of the Columbia and the Washington & Alexandria Turnpikes, Alexandria County, Virginia, in the evening the same day. The regiment was ordered across the Long Bridge, on the Potomac River, at Washington, D. C., in the evening on 22 July, 1861.

Note: Detachments of the 1st Minnesota Infantry arrived at Washington, D. C., in the evening on 22 July, 1861, and in the morning on 23 July, 1861.

List of killed, etc, 1st Minnesota Infantry, at the first battle of Bull Run, 21 July, 1861: Company A, k 5, w 4, w/m 4, m 2, t 15; Company B, w 11, m 3, t 14; Company C, k 9, w 6, w/m 10, w/a 1, m 4, t 26; Company D, k 1, w 1, w/m 2, t 4; Company E, k 1, w 10, m 1, t 12; Company F, k 3, w/m 7, m 9, t 19; Company G, k 5, w 14, m 3, t 22; Company H, k 10, w 11, m 2, t 23; Company I, k 6, w 16, w/m 3, t 25; Company K, k 4, w 3, w/a 1, m 4, t 12; Killed 44, wounded 76, wounded/ missing 26, wounded/ absent 2, missing 28, total 176

Return of casualties in the 1st Minnesota Infantry, First Brigade, Third Division, Army of Northeastern Virginia, at the battle of Bull Run, 21 July, 1861: Killed 46, wounded 109, captured/missing 30, total 185

Camp Gorman, the Reservoir, on the Little River Turnpike, southeast of Fort Ellsworth, on Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, to Assembly Rooms, on Louisiana Avenue, & old Trinity/ Plymouth Church, on West Fifth Street, Washington, D. C., detachment, 24 July, 1861: A detachment of the 1st Minnesota Infantry, under the command of Captain A Wilkin, 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company A, was ordered across the Long Bridge, on the Potomac River, at Washington, D. C., in the afternoon on 24 July, 1861, and was stationed at the Assembly Rooms, on Louisiana Avenue, and old Trinity/ Plymouth Church, on West Fifth Street, Washington, D. C., in the morning on 25 July, 1861.

Note: A detachment of the 1st Minnesota Infantry, under the command of Captain A Wilkin, 1st Minnesota Infantry, Company A, was stationed at Camp Gorman, north the Reservoir, on the Little River Turnpike, southeast of Fort Ellsworth, on Shuter's Hill, one mile west of Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, between 22 and 24 July, 1861, and was ordered to Washington, D. C., in the afternoon on 24 July, 1861.

Assembly Rooms, on Louisiana Avenue, & old Trinity/ Plymouth Church, on West Fifth Street, to Seventh Street, Capitol Hill, east of the Capitol building, on Pennsylvania Avenue & North/ South Capitol Street, Washington, D. C., 25 July, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry arrived at Camp Minnesota, on Seventh Street, Capitol Hill, east of the Capitol building, on Pennsylvania Avenue and North/ South Capitol Street, Washington, D. C., in the morning on 25 July, 1861.

Note: The 1st Minnesota Infantry, Companies A, E, and F/I, were stationed at the old Trinity or Plymouth Church, on Fifth Street, Washington, D. C., on 25 July, 1861.

Camp Minnesota, on Seventh Street, Capitol Hill, east of the Capitol building, on Pennsylvania Avenue & North/ South Capitol Street, Washington, to Brightwood, two & a half miles north of Washington, D. C., 2 August, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry was ordered to Brightwood, two and a half miles north of Washington, D. C., at 9 AM on 2 August, 1861.

Brightwood, two & a half miles north of Washington, D. C., to Seneca Falls, on the Potomac River, Montgomery County, Maryland, 3-7 August, 1861: The 1st Minnesota Infantry was ordered to proceed by the Seventh Street Turnpike to Seneca Falls, on the Potomac River, Montgomery County, Maryland, in the morning on 3 August, 1861, and arrived at Darcey's Store Post Office, Montgomery County, Maryland, the same day. The regiment was ordered to Watts Branch, one mile northwest of Darcey's Store Post Office, Montgomery County, Maryland, at 9 AM on 4 August, 1861, and one mile southwest of Rockville, Montgomery County, Maryland, on 5 August, 1861. The 1st Minnesota Infantry arrived at Camp Gorman, overlooking Seneca Falls, on the Potomac River, via Darnestown, Montgomery County, Maryland, on 7 August, 1861.

Note: The 34th New York Infantry was ordered to Great Falls, on the Potomac River, and Seneca Mills, Montgomery County, Maryland, in the morning on 28 July, 1861 (See the Volunteers, Department of Washington).

Mustered out, Fort Snelling, on the Mississippi River, Hennepin County, Minnesota, 3, 4, & 5 May, 1864: The 1st Minnesota Infantry was mustered out at Fort Snelling, on the Mississippi River, Hennepin County, Minnesota, on 3, 4, and 5 May, 1864.

Note: A detachment of veterans and recruits of the 1st Minnesota Infantry (134) was organised as the 1st Minnesota Battalion Infantry, Companies A and B, on 28 April, 1864, and was ordered to Washington, D. C., on 16 May, 1864. The 1st Minnesota Battalion Infantry was mustered out at Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky, on 15 July, 1865.

Colonel W B Franklin, Twelfth United States Infantry, First Brigade, Third Division, McDowell's Army, 18 June, 1861, dated 14 May, 1861: Captain W B Franklin, United States Corps Topographical Engineers, was appointed colonel, 12th United States Infantry, by General Orders No.33, Paragraph I, War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., on 18 June, 1861, dated 14 May, 1861, and arrived at New York City, New York County, New York, in the morning on 3 June, 1861. Colonel W B Franklin, 12th United States Infantry, arrived by the Washington Branch, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad at Washington, D. C., on 30 June, 1861, and assumed command of the 4th Pennsylvania Infantry, the 5th Pennsylvania Infantry, the 5th Massachucetts Infantry, the 11th Massachucetts Infantry, and the 1st United States Artillery, Light Company I, on 1 July, 1861. Colonel W B Franklin, 12th United States Infantry, was appointed brigadier general, United States Volunteers, by General Orders No.62, War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., on 20 August, 1861, dated 17 May, 1861.

Note: Captain W B Franklin, United States Corps Topographical Engineers, was stationed at Albany, Albany County, New York, on 1 June, 1861, and as appointed acting brigadier general, United States Volunteers, at Washington, D. C., on 30 June, 1861.

United States Military Academy, south of West Point, Orange County, New York, to Washington, D. C, detachment of United States Military Academy Cadets, 5-8 May, 1861: A detachment of United States Military Academy Cadets (43), under the command of Cadet H W Kingsbury, United States Military Academy, was ordered to Washington, D. C., in the afternoon on 5 May, 1861, and was stationed at New York City, New York County, New York, on 6 May, 1861. The detachment of United States Military Academy Cadets arrived at Walnut Street Wharf, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, at 9.45 PM on 7 May, 1861, and was temporarily arrested and detained at Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, between 7 and 8 May, 1861. The detachment of United States Military Academy Cadets was ordered to proceed by the Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad to Perryville, Cecil County, Maryland, in the morning on 8 May, 1861, and was ordered to proceed by the steamers Ariel and Georgeanna on the Susquehanna River to Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Maryland, at 5 AM on 8 May 1861. The detachment of United States Military Academy Cadets was accompanied bythe 20th New York State Militia and arrived by the Washington Branch, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, at Washington, D. C., via Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, and Annapolis Junction, Howard County, Maryland, in the evening on 8 May, 1861.

Note: Cadet C H Gibson, United States Military Academy, was ordered to Washington, D. C., in the afternoon on 5 May, 1861, and was appointed second lieutenant, 2nd United States Dragoons, Company A, by General Orders No.21, War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., on 17 May, 1861, dated 6 May, 1861. Second Lieutenant C H Gibsonn, 2nd United States Dragoons, Company A, was appointed acting assistant quartermaster, First Brigade, Third Division, McDowell's Army, at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861.

Colonel S P Heintzelman, 17th United States Infantry, Third Division, McDowell's Army, 18 June, 1861, dated 14 May, 1861: Major S P Heintzelman, 1st United States Infantry, was ordered to Washington, D. C., by General Orders No.12, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., on 27 April, 1861, and to proceed by the New Jersey Railroad in the morning on 3 May, 1861. He arrived by the Washington Branch, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, in the morning on 4 May, 1861, and was appointed acting inspector general, Department of Washington, by Special Orders No.20, Headquarters, Department of Washington, Washington, D. C., on 8 May, 1861. Acting Inspector General & Major S P Heintzelman, United States Army, was assigned to command the the 8th New York State Militia, the 12th New York State Militia, and the 25th New York State Militia by General Orders No.1, Paragraph III, Headquarters, Department of Northeastern Virginia, Alexandria, Alexandria County, Virginia, on 28 May, 1861, and was appointed colonel, 17th United States Infantry, by General Orders No.33, Paragraph I, War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., on 18 June, 1861, dated 14 May, 1861. Colonel S P Heintzelman, 17th United States Infantry, was appointed brigadier general, United States Volunteers, by General Orders No.62, Paragraph I, War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., on 20 August, 1861, dated 17 May, 1861.

Note: Cadet F U Farquhar, United States Military Academy, was ordered to Washington, D. C., on 30 June, 1861, and arrived in the morning on 3 July, 1861. He was appointed brevet second lieutenant, United States Corps Engineers, by General Orders No.41, War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C., on 3 July, 1861, dated 24 June, 1861, and was assigned to special duty as a drill instructor at Washington, D. C., in the afternoon on 3 July, 1861. Brevet Second Lieutenant F U Farquhar, United States Corps Engineers, was appointed acting aide de camp to Colonel S P Heintzelman, 17th United States Infantry, at the first battle of Bull Run on 21 July, 1861.

Organisation of Brigadier General C P Stone's brigade, Division of the Potomac, 4 August, 1861: Brigadier General C P Stone, United States Volunteers; 2nd New York State Militia, Colonel G W B Tompkins; 34th New York Infantry, Colonel W La Dew; 42nd New York Infantry, Colonel W D Kennedy; 1st Minnesota Infantry, Colonel W A Gorman

Note: The 1st Minnesota Infantry was assigned to Brigadier General C P Stone's brigade, Division of the Potomac, by Special Orders No.10, Headquarters, Division of the Potomac, Washington, D. C., on 4 August, 1861.


OFFICIAL REPORT NO.44: Series I, Volume 51 Part 1 (Serial No.107), pp20-23
Colonel W A Gorman, First Minnesota Infantry, dated Washington, D. C., 26 July, 1861

OFFICIAL REPORT NO.44: Series I, Volume 2 (Serial No.2), Chapter IX, p408-410
Colonel W B Franklin, Twelfth United States Infantry, First Brigade, Third Division, McDowell's Army, dated 28 July, 1861

OFFICIAL REPORT NO.43: Series I, Volume 2 (Serial No.2), Chapter IX, p402-404
Colonel S P Heintzleman, Seventeenth United States Infantry, Third Division, McDowell's Army, dated Washington, D. C., 31 July, 1861