The Fourth Alabama Painting by Don Troiani

Second Brigade, Army of the Shenandoah

Colonel L J Gartrell

Colonel L J Gartrell, 7th Georgia Infantry

Seventh Georgia Infantry

Mustered in Confederate service for one year 31 May, 1861. Arrived at Manassas Junction, Prince William County, Virginia, in the morning 20 July, 1861. Stationed at the rear of McLean's and Blackburn's Fords, on the Bull Run River, 21 July, 1861

Captain L J Gartrell, 7th Georgia Infantry, Company B, was appointed colonel, 7th Georgia Infantry, at the Southern Central Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, half a mile south of the Georgia Railroad, on Fair Street, between Connally Alley and Hill Street, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, on 31 May, 1861.

Captain J F Cooper, 7th Georgia Infantry, Company I, was appointed lieutenant colonel, 7th Georgia Infantry, at the Southern Central Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, half a mile south of the Georgia Railroad, on Fair Street, between Connally Alley and Hill Street, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, on 31 May, 1861.

Captain J Dunwoody, 7th Georgia Infantry, Company H, was appointed major, 7th Georgia Infantry, at the Southern Central Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, half a mile south of the Georgia Railroad, on Fair Street, between Connally Alley and Hill Street, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, on 31 May, 1861.

Company A Coweta Second District Guards: CAPT. S W LEE
The company was accepted in state/ Confederate service for one year at Coweta County, Georgia, dated 29 May, 1861, and was mustered in Confederate service for one year at the Southern Central Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, half a mile south of the Georgia Railroad, on Fair Street, between Connally Alley and Hill Street, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, by Major A Elzey/ Jones, Jr., artillery, Confederate States Army, on 31 May, 1861. Captain S W Lee, 7th Georgia Infantry, Company A, was sick at Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, on 23 June, 1861, and resigned on 15 November, 1861.
Company B Confederate Volunteers: CAPT. G J FOREACRE
The company was accepted in state/ Confederate service for one year, under the command of Captain L J Gartrell, at Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, on 24 April, 1861, dated 29 May, 1861, and was mustered in Confederate service for one year at the Southern Central Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, half a mile south of the Georgia Railroad, on Fair Street, between Connally Alley and Hill Street, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, by Major A Elzey/ Jones, Jr., artillery, Confederate States Army, on 31 May, 1861. Captain L J Gartrell and First Lieutenant G J Foreacre, 7th Georgia Infantry, Company B, were appointed colonel, 7th Georgia Infantry, and captain, 7th Georgia Infantry, Company B, the same day and Captain G J Foreacre, 7th Georgia Infantry, Company B, was seriously wounded at the first battle of Manassas on 21 July, 1861.
Company C Paulding Volunteers: CAPT. C S JENKINS
The company was accepted in state/ Confederate service for one year at Paulding County, Georgia, dated 29 May, 1861, and was mustered in Confederate service for one year at the Southern Central Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, half a mile south of the Georgia Railroad, on Fair Street, between Connally Alley and Hill Street, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, by Major A Elzey/ Jones, Jr., artillery, Confederate States Army, on 31 May, 1861. Captain C S Jenkins, 7th Georgia Infantry, Company C, was seriously wounded at the first battle of Manassas on 21 July, 1861.
Company D (Cobb) Confederate Guards: CAPT. T S MOYER
The company was accepted in state/ Confederate service for one year at Powder Springs, Cobb County, Georgia, on 4 May, 1861, dated 29 May, 1861, and was mustered in Confederate service for one year at the Southern Central Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, half a mile south of the Georgia Railroad, on Fair Street, between Connally Alley and Hill Street, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, by Major A Elzey/ Jones, Jr., artillery, Confederate States Army, on 31 May, 1861. Captain S Moyer, 7th Georgia Infantry, Company D, was mortally wounded at the first battle of Manassas on 21 July, 1861, and died on 6 August, 1861. First Lieutenant E H Lindley, 7th Georgia Infantry, Company D, was appointed captain, 7th Georgia Infantry, Company D, on 15 August, 1861.
Company E DeKalb Light Infantry: CAPT. J W FOWLER
The company was accepted in state/ Confederate service for one year at Decatur, DeKalb County, Georgia, dated 29 May, 1861, and was mustered in Confederate service for one year at the Southern Central Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, half a mile south of the Georgia Railroad, on Fair Street, between Connally Alley and Hill Street, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, by Major A Elzey/ Jones, Jr., artillery, Confederate States Army, on 31 May, 1861.
Company F Iverson Invincibles/ Carroll Rangers: CAPT. A T BURKE
The company was accepted in state/ Confederate service for one year at Carroll County, Georgia, on 10 May, 1861, dated 29 May, 1861, and was mustered in Confederate service for one year at the Southern Central Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, half a mile south of the Georgia Railroad, on Fair Street, between Connally Alley and Hill Street, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, by Major A Elzey/ Jones, Jr., artillery, Confederate States Army, on 31 May, 1861. Captain A T Burke, 7th Georgia Infantry, Company F, was badly wounded at the first battle of Manassas on 21 July, 1861, and resigned at Milledgeville, Baldwin County, Georgia, on 21 December, 1861.
Company G Franklin/ Heard Volunteers: CAPT. J B E BROWN
The company was accepted in state/ Confederate service for one year at Heard and Franklin Counties, Georgia, dated 29 May, 1861, and was mustered in Confederate service for one year at the Southern Central Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, half a mile south of the Georgia Railroad, on Fair Street, between Connally Alley and Hill Street, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, by Major A Elzey/ Jones, Jr., artillery, Confederate States Army, on 31 May, 1861. Captain J B E Brown, 7th Georgia Infantry, Company G, died at Warrington, Fauquier County, Virginia, on 31 August, 1861, and Second Lieutenant N C Featherston, 7th Georgia Infantry, Company G, was appointed captain, 7th Georgia Infantry, Company G, on 10 September, 1861.
Company H Roswell Guards: CAPT. T E KING
The company was accepted in state/ Confederate service for one year, under the command of Captain J Dunwoody, at Roswell, Cobb County, Georgia, dated 29 May, 1861, and was mustered in Confederate service for one year at the Southern Central Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, half a mile south of the Georgia Railroad, on Fair Street, between Connally Alley and Hill Street, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, by Major A Elzey/Jones, Jr., artillery, Confederate States Army, on 31 May, 1861. Captain J Dunwoody and Third Lieutenant T E King, 7th Georgia Infantry, Company H, were appointed major, 7th Georgia Infantry, and captain, 7th Georgia Infantry, Company H, respectively, the same day and Captain T E King, 7th Georgia Infantry, Company H, was seriously wounded at the first battle of Manassas on 21 July, 1861.
Company I Cobb Mountaineers: CAPT. W W WHITE
The company was accepted in state/ Confederate service for one year, under the command of Captain J F Cooper, at Powder Springs, Cobb County, Georgia, dated 29 May, 1861, and was mustered in Confederate service for one year at the Southern Central Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, half a mile south of the Georgia Railroad, on Fair Street, between Connally Alley and Hill Street, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, by Major A Elzey/ Jones, Jr., artillery, Confederate States Army, on 31 May, 1861. Captain J F Cooper, 7th Georgia Infantry, Company I, was appointed colonel, 7th Georgia Infantry, the same day.
Company K Davis' Infantry: CAPT. W J BALLARD
The company was accepted in state/ Confederate service for one year at Fulton County, Georgia, dated 29 May, 1861, and was mustered in Confederate service for one year at the Southern Central Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, half a mile south of the Georgia Railroad, on Fair Street, between Connally Alley and Hill Street, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, by Major A Elzey/ Jones, Jr., artillery, Confederate States Army, on 31 May, 1861.

Organisation of 7th Georgia Infantry at first battle of Manassas, 21 July, 1861: Colonel L J Gartrell, Lieutenant Colonel J F Cooper, Major J Dunwoody; Company A, Coweta Second District Guards, Captain S W Lee; Company B, Confederate Volunteers, Captain G J Foreacre; Company C, Paulding Volunteers, Captain C S Jenkins; Company D, (Cobb) Confederate Guards, Captain T S Moyer; Company E, DeKalb Light Infantry, Captain J W Fowler; Company F, Iverson Invincibles/ Carroll Rangers, Captain A T Burke; Company G, Franklin/ Herald Volunteers, Captain J B E Brown; Company H, Roswell Guards, Captain T E King; Company I, Cobb Mountaineers, Captain W W White; Company K, Davis' Infantry, Captain W J Ballard


"We learn that Capt. L. J. Gartell, of this city, has authority from the Secretary of War to raise a Regiment of Volunteers for immediate service."

Weekly Chronicle & Sentinel (Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia), 15 May, 1861 - Military

"A Regiment has been formed in Atlanta, composed of the following companies: Confederate Volunteers, Fulton county, Captain L. J. Gartrell; McDonald Guards, Cobb county, Captain J. M. Johnson; Stone Mountain Volunteers, DeKalb county, Captain E. W. Hoyle; Cobb Mountaineers, Cobb county, Captain Jas. F. Cooper; Paulding Volunteers, Paulding county, Captain C. S. Jenkins; Confederate Guards, Cobb county, Captain E. H. Lindley; Roswell Guards, Cobb county, Captain John Dunwoody; DeKalb Light Infantry, DeKalb county, Captain John W. Fowler; Coweta 2d District Guards, Coweta county, Captain S. W. Lee; Davis' Infantry, Fulton county, Captain W. J. Ballard. Captain L. J. Gartrell was elected Colonel, and Captain James F. Cooper, Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain John Dunwoody, Major."

Georgia Journal & Messenger (Macon, Bibb County, Georgia), 15 May, 1861 - Another Regiment

"The Georgia Railroad brought in on yesterday morning, the Iverson Invincibles, Capt. Burke, 87 men, from Carroll county, and DeKalb Light Infantry, Capt. J. W. Fowler, 88 men from DeKalb county."

"Yesterday evening, the Davis Infantry, Capt. W. J. Ballard, 74 men and the Confederate Volunteers, Capt. G. J. Foreacre, 84 men, from Atlanta, the last companies of the 7th Regiment, arrived by the Georgia Railroad. These companies left for Virginia on yesterday evening, by the S. C. R. R. Col. L. J. Gartrell and staff, of the 7th Regiment passed through here last night."

Augusta Evening Dispatch (Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia), 3 June, 1861 - Arrival and departure of troops

"Additional troops - Two more companies passed through the city on Friday morning, en route for Richmond. They were - Paulding Volunteers, Capt. C. S. Jenkins, from Paulding county - 72 men. Confederate Guards, Capt. T. L. Moyer, from Cobb county - 85 men."

"Five companies passed through here Sunday on their way to Virginia last night, via the South Carolina Road. Col. gartrell and Staff also passed through, for the same point. Four of the companies belong to the Seventh Georgia (Col. Gartrell's) Regiment. They are: Iverson Invincibles, from Carrol county - Capt. Burke. Confederate Volunteers, from Atlanta - Capt. G. J. Foreacre. Davis Infantry, from Atlanta - Capt. W. J. Ballard. DeKalb Light Infantry, from DeKalb county - Capt. J. W. Fowler. These companies will average 84 men each. 'Cousin John' was about - going to see the Atlanta boys through. The fifth company was the Wilcox Rifles, from Wilcox county - Capt. P. H. Loud - 80 men. Before the cars left, Col. Gartrell was called on for a speech."

Weekly Chronicle & Sentinel (Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia), 5 June, 1861 - More troops for Virginia

"Our citizens, numbering at least one thousand, two-thirds of whom Virginia's fair daughters, were present at the Fairgrounds on Saturday evening, witnessing the grand military display of the 1st Regiment of Georgians, from Atlanta city, under the command of Col. Bartow, a gallant specimen of a Southern military gentleman. They struck their tents early on Sunday morning, and the regiment was formed, when their heroic Colonel addressed them with a patriotic eloquence for a few minutes, when the Chaplin stepped forward and in the most fervent appeal to the Throne of Grace, invoked the blessing of God upon them and the righteous cause of the South. The regiment then opened column and marched to the depot, where they took the cars amidst thundering applause, the ladies throwing bouquets and waving their lily white handkerchiefs. The other Georgia regiment came in on Sunday afternoon, and left on Monday morning."

Richmond Daily Dispatch (Richmond, Henrico County, Virginia), 15 June, 1861 - Winchester, 11 June, 1861

"A Brigade was organised yesterday, composed of the 7th and 8th Georgia Regiments, and the 4th Alabama Regiment, and two battalions of Kentucky troops, and Col. F. S. Bartow appointed Brevet Brigadier General."

Rome Tri-Weekly Courier (Rome, Floyd County, Georgia), 27 June, 1861 - Camp of Gen. Johnston's command, three miles from Winchester, Tuesday, 18 June, 1861

"The 7th and 8th Georgia Regiments, one Tennessee, and one Alabama Regiment, and two Kentucky Battalions are formed into a Brigade - Col. Bartow acting as Brigadier General, having two Virginia Artillery Companies attached - quartered now at this place."

Southern Confederacy (Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia), 29 June, 1861 - Camp two miles north of Winchester, 20th June, 1861

"Brevet Brigadier Gen. Bartow is in command of the brigade composed of the 7th Georgia Regiment, (Col. Gartrell's) the 8th, (Col. Bartow's) the 9th, Col. Goulding) 1st Kentucky Battalion, Lieut. Col. Blanton Duncan, and company B, 1st Virginia Regiment of Artillery."

Augusta Chronicle (Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia), 7 July, 1861

Books/ Manuscripts

Supplement to the Official Records: Part II, Record of Events: Record of events for Seventh Regiment, Georgia Infantry, May 1861-February 1865, edited by James B Hewett

Compendium of the Confederate Armies, South Carolina and Georgia, by Stewart Sifakis

Roster of the Confederate soldiers of Georgia, 1861-1865, Volume 1, by Lillian Henderson


The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered to rendezvous at Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, on 23 May, 1861, and was accepted in Confederate service for one year on 29 May, 1861.

Camp Brown, old Smyrna Camp Meeting Ground, on the Western & Atlantic Railroad, four miles south of Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia, Company E, 23 April-9 May, 1861: The DeKalb Light Infantry, 2nd Georgia Militia, under the command of Captain J W Fowler, was stationed at Camp Brown, old Smyrna Camp Meeting Ground, on the Western & Atlantic Railroad, four miles south of Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia, between 23 April and 9 May, 1861.

Note: Captain L J Gartrell, Confederate Volunteers, was appointed colonel; Captain J F Cooper, Cobb Mountaineers, lieutenant colonel; and Captain J Dunwoody, Roswell Guards, major, at Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, on 9 May, 1861.

Organisation of 7th Georgia Infantry, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, 9 May, 1861: Confederate Volunteers, Captain L J Gartrell; McDonald Guards, Captain J M Johnson; Stone Mountain Volunteers, Captain E W Hoyle; Cobb Mountaineers, Captain J F Cooper; Paulding Volunteers, Captain C S Jenkins; Confederate Guards, Captain T S Moyer; Roswell Guards, Captain J Dunwoody; DeKalb Light Infantry, Captain J W Fowler; Coweta Second District Guards, Captain S W Lee; Davis' Infantry, Captain W J Ballard

Note: The Confederate Volunteers (80) arrived at the Southern Central Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, half a mile south of the Georgia Railroad, on Fair Street, between Connally Alley and Hill Street, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, in the morning on 21 May, 1861.

Powder Springs & Roswell, Cobb County, to Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, Companies D, H, & I, 30 May, 1861: The (Cobb) Confederate Guards (83), the Roswell Guards (86), and the Cobb Mountaineers (76/84), under the command of Captains S Moyer, J Dunwoody, and W W White, arrived by the Western & Atlantic Railroad at Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, in the morning on 30 May, 1861.

Decatur, DeKalb County, to Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, Company E, 30 May, 1861: The DeKalb Light Infantry (92), under the command of Captain J W Fowler, arrived by the Georgia Railroad at Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, in the morning on 30 May, 1861.

Note: The Confederate Volunteers and the Davis' Infantry (71), under the command of Captains G J Foreacre and W J Ballard, were stationed at Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, on 31 May, 1861.

Mustered for for one year, Southern Central Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, half a mile south of the Georgia Railroad, on Fair Street, between Connally Alley & Hill Street, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, 31 May, 1861: The 7th Georgia Infantry was mustered in Confederate service for one year at the Southern Central Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, half a mile south of the Georgia Railroad, on Fair Street, between Connally Alley and Hill Street, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, by Major A Elzey/ Jones, Jr., artillery, Confederate States Army, on 31 May, 1861 (See the 1st Maryland Infantry).

Note: The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered to Richmond, Henrico County, Virginia, by Special Orders No.58, Paragraph IX, Adjutant & Inspectors General's Office, Montgomery, Montgomery County, Alabama, on 24 May, 1861.

Atlanta to Richmond, 31 May, 1861

The 7th Georgia Infantry, Companies C (72) and D (85), were ordered to proceed by the Georgia Railroad to Richmond, Henrico County, Virginia, in the evening on 31 May, 1861, and arrived at Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, in the morning on 1 June, 1861.

Note: The 7th Georgia Infantry, Companies C and D, were ordered to proceed by the South Carolina Railroad to Richmond, Henrico County, Virginia, on 1 June, 1861.

Southern Central Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, half a mile south of the Georgia Railroad, on Fair Street, between Connally Alley & Hill Street, Atlanta, Fulton County, to Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, Companies E & F, 1-2 June, 1861: The 7th Georgia Infantry, Companies E (88) and F (87), were ordered to proceed by the Georgia Railroad to Richmond, Henrico County, Virginia, in the evening on 1 June, 1861, and arrived at Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, in the evening the same day.

Southern Central Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, half a mile south of the Georgia Railroad, on Fair Street, between Connally Alley & Hill Street, Atlanta, Fulton County, to Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, Companies B & K, 2 June, 1861: The 7th Georgia Infantry, Companies B (84) and K (74), were ordered to proceed by the Georgia Railroad to Richmond, Henrico County, Virginia, at 8.50 AM on 2 June, 1861, and arrived at Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, in the evening the same day.

Note: The 7th Georgia Infantry, Companies B, E, F, and K, under the command of Colonel L J Gartrell, were stationed at Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, in the evening on 2 June, 1861.

Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, to Richmond, Henrico County, Virginia, Companies B, E, F, & K, 2 June, 1861: The 7th Georgia Infantry, Companies B, E, F, and K, under the command of Colonel L J Gartrell, were ordered to proceed by the South Carolina Railroad to Richmond, Henrico County, Virginia, in the evening on 2 June, 1861.

Note: Colonel L J Gartrell, 7th Georgia Infantry, arrived by the Georgia Railroad at Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, in the evening on 2 June, 1861.

Richmond to Harpers Ferry, 6-10 June, 1861

The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered to Harpers Ferry, Jefferson County, Virginia, by Special Orders No.65, Paragraph V, Adjutant & Inspectors General's Office, Richmond, Henrico County, Virginia, at 5 PM on 6 June, 1861, and arrived at Manassas Junction, Prince William County, Virginia, on 7 June, 1861. The regiment was ordered to proceed by the Manassas Gap Railroad to Strasburg, Shenandoah County, Virginia, on 8 June, 1861, and arrived the same day. The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered to proceed by the Valley Turnpike to Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, on 9 June, 1861, and arrived in the afternoon the same day. The regiment was ordered to proceed by the Winchester & Potomac Railroad to Harpers Ferry, Jefferson County, Virginia, in the morning on 10 June, 1861.

Note: The 8th Georgia Infantry, Companies A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and K, arrived at Bolivar, Jefferson County, Virginia, at 1.30 PM on 9 June, 1861, and Companies H and I on 10 June, 1861 (See the 8th Georgia Infantry).

Bolivar, Jefferson County, Virginia, 10-15 June, 1861: The 7th Georgia Infantry was stationed at Bolivar, Jefferson County, Virginia, between 10 and 15 June, 1861.

Note: A Naval Battery (two 32 pounders and five 24 pounders), under the command of Second Lieutenant C M Fauntleroy, Confederate States Navy, was stationed at the north end of Bolivar Heights/ Furnance Ridge, west of Bolivar, Jefferson County, Virginia, on 14 June, 1861.

Evacuation of Harpers Ferry, 15 June, 1861

The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered to proceed by the Smithfield, Charlestown & Harpers Ferry Turnpike to Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, at 6.30 AM on 15 June, 1861, and arrived at Charlestown, Jefferson County, Virginia, in the afternoon the same day. The regiment arrived by the Berryville & Charleston Turnpike at Camp Johnston, F P Frame's, on the North Fork of Bull Skin Run, three and a half miles southwest of Charlestown, Jefferson County, Virginia, in the evening on 15 June, 1861.

Note: The Staunton Artillery and the Newtown Artillery were temporarily assigned to the Second Brigade, Army of the Shenandoah, under the command of Acting Brigadier General & Colonel F S Bartow, 8th Georgia Infantry, at Mill Creek, a quarter of a mile north of Bunker Hill, Berkeley County, Virginia, on 17 June, 1861.

Guard duty at the Shenandoah River, south of Harpers Ferry, Jefferson County, Virginia, 14 June, 1861: Detachments of the 7th Georgia Infantry and the 8th Georgia Infantry were assigned to guard duty at the Shenandoah River, south of Harpers Ferry, Jefferson County, Virginia, on 14 June, 1861.

Note: The sick of the 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered to proceed by the Winchester & Potomac Railroad to Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, at 1 AM on 14 June, 1861.

Advance to Bunker Hill, 16 June, 1861

The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered to Bunker Hill, Berkeley County, Virginia, at 9 AM on 16 June, 1861, and arrived at Mill Creek, a quarter of a mile north of Bunker Hill, via Smithfield/ Middleway, Berkeley County, Virginia, in the afternoon the same day.

Note: The Staunton Artillery and the Newtown Artillery were temporarily assigned to the Second Brigade, Army of the Shenandoah, under the command of Acting Brigadier General & Colonel F S Bartow, 8th Georgia Infantry, at Mill Creek, a quarter of a mile north of Bunker Hill, Berkeley County, Virginia, on 17 June, 1861.

Organisation of Second Brigade, Army of the Shenandoah, 17 June, 1861: Acting Brigadier General & Colonel F S Bartow, 8th Georgia Infantry; 7th Georgia Infantry, Colonel L J Gartrell; 8th Georgia Infantry, Lieutenant Colonel W M Gardener; 4th Alabama Infantry, Colonel E J Jones; 1st Kentucky Battalion Infantry, Lieutenant H B Duncan; 2nd Kentucky Battalion Sharpshooters, Acting Major & Captain J D Pope, 2nd Kentucky Battalion Sharpshooters, Company A; Wise Artillery, Captain E G Alburtis

Note: Acting Brigadier General & Colonel F S Bartow, 8th Georgia Infantry, was assigned to command the 7th Georgia Infantry, the 8th Georgia Infantry, the 4th Alabama Infantry, the 1st Kentucky Battalion Infantry, the 2nd Kentucky Battalion Sharpshooters, and the Wise Artillery at Mill Creek, a quarter of a mile north of Bunker Hill, Berkeley County, Virginia, on 17 June, 1861.

Bunker Hill to Winchester, 17-20 June, 1861

The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered to proceed by the Martinsburg Turnpike to Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, in the afternoon on 17 June, 1861, and was stationed at Camp Defiance, Carter's farm, one mile southwest of Stephenson's Station, Frederick County, Virginia, between 17 and 20 June, 1861.

Camp Defiance, Carter's farm, one mile southwest of Stephenson's Station, to Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, 20 June, 1861: The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered to proceed by the Martinsburg Turnpike to Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, in the morning on 20 June, 1861, and was stationed half/ three quarters of a mile north of Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, between 20 and 26 June, 1861.

Thirty-first (Frederick County), Fifty-first (Frederick County), & One Hundred & Twenty-second (Clarke County), Virginia Militia, at Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, 18-20 June, 1861: The 31st Virginia Militia (Frederick County), the 51st Virginia Militia (Frederick County), and the 122nd Virginia Militia (Clarke County), Companies A and D (1st), were stationed at Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, between 18 and 20 June, 1861 (See the Virginia Militia).

Note: The 7th Georgia Infantry, the 8th Georgia Infantry, the 4th Alabama Infantry, the 1st Kentucky Battalion Infantry, the 2nd Kentucky Battalion Sharpshooters, the Wise Artillery, the Staunton Artillery, and the Newtown Artillery, under the command of Acting Brigadier General & Colonel F S Bartow, 8th Georgia Infantry, were stationed half/ three quarters of a mile north of Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, on 24 June, 1861.

Winchester to Hollinsworth Grove, 26 June, 1861

The 7th Georgia Infantry arrived at Camp Starvation, Hollingsworth Grove, on Abram's Creek, one and a half miles southeast of Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, in the evening on 26 June, 1861.

Note: The 7th Georgia Infantry, the 8th Georgia Infantry, the 9th Georgia Infantry, the 1st Kentucky Battalion Infantry, the 2nd Kentucky Battalion Sharpshooters, and the Wise Artillery, under the command of Acting Brigadier General & Colonel F S Bartow, 8th Georgia Infantry, were stationed at Camp Starvation, Hollingsworth Grove, on Abram's Creek, one and a half miles southeast of Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, on 30 June, 1861.

Camp Starvation, Hollingsworth Grove, on Abram's Creek, one & a half miles southeast of Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, 26 June-2 July, 1861: The 7th Georgia Infantry was stationed at Camp Starvation, Hollingsworth Grove, on Abram's Creek, one and a half miles southeast of Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, between 26 June and 2 July, 1861.

Note: The 9th Georgia Infantry arrived at Camp Starvation, Hollingsworth Grove, on Abram's Creek, one and a half miles southeast of Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, on 30 June, 1861 (See the 9th Georgia Infantry).

Advance to Darkesville, 2-3 July, 1861

The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered to proceed by the Martinsburg Turnpike to Darkesville, Berkeley County, Virginia, in the afternoon on 2 July, 1861, and arrived at Bunker Hill, Berkeley County, Virginia, at 8/9 PM the same day.

Note: The 5th Virginia Infantry and one six pounder smoothbore of the 1st Rockbridge Artillery, under the command of Colonel T J Jackson, Provisional Army Virginia, were engaged in a skirmish between W Hills and W Porterfield's farm, one mile northeast of Hainesville, Berkeley County, Virginia, in the morning 2 July, 1861 (See the First Brigade, Army of the Shenandoah).

Bunker Hill to Darkesville, Berkeley County, Virginia, 3 July, 1861: The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered to Darkesville, Berkeley County, Virginia, at 1.30/2 AM on 3 July, 1861, and arrived at 5 AM the same day.

Note: The 7th Georgia Infantry was stationed west of the Martinsburg Turnpike, south of Darkesville, Berkeley County, Virginia, between 3 and 7 July, 1861.

Withdrawal to Winchester, 7 July, 1861

The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered to Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, at 11 AM on 7 July, 1861, and was stationed at Camp Starvation, Hollingsworth Grove, on Abram's Creek, one and a half miles southeast of Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, between 7 and 15 July, 1861.

Note: The 7th Georgia Infantry arrived at Camp Starvation, Hollingsworth Grove, on Abram's Creek, one and a half miles southeast of Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, at 6 PM on 7 July, 1861.

Earthworks, half a mile north of Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, 15-17 July, 1861: The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered to proceed by the Martinsburg Turnpike to the earthworks, half a mile north of Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, at 4 PM on 15 July, 1861, and arrived at Camp Starvation, Hollingsworth Grove, on Abram's Creek, one and a half miles southeast of Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, in the afternoon on 17 July, 1861.

Note: The 7th Georgia Infantry was stationed at Camp Starvation, Hollingsworth Grove, on Abram's Creek, one and a half miles southeast of Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, between 17 and 18 July, 1861.

March to Manassas Junction, 18-20 July, 1861

The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered to Manassas Junction, Prince William County, Virginia, by Special Orders No.1, Headquarters, Army of the Shenandoah, Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, at 1 PM on 18 July, 1861.

Winchester, Frederick County, to Berry's Ferry, on the Shenandoah River, three & a half miles southeast of Millwood, Clarke County, Virginia, 18 July, 1861: The 7th Georgia Infantry arrived at Millwood, Clarke County, Virginia, at 6 PM on 18 July, 1861, and at Berry's Ferry, on the Shenandoah River, three and a half miles southeast of Millwood, Clarke County, Virginia, at 9 PM the same day.

Berry's Ferry, on the Shenandoah River, three & a half miles southeast of Millwood, Clarke County, to Piedmont Station, Fauquier County, Virginia, 19 July, 1861: The 7th Georgia Infantry arrived at Paris, Fauquier County, Virginia, at 3 AM on 19 July, 1861, and was ordered to Piedmont Station, Fauquier County, Virginia, at 5 AM the same day. The regiment arrived at Piedmont Station, Fauquier County, Virginia, at 9 AM on 19 July, 1861.

Piedmont Station, Fauquier County, to Manassas Junction, Prince William County, Virginia, 19-20 July, 1861: The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered to proceed by the Manassas Gap Railroad to Manassas Junction, Prince William County, Virginia, at 7 PM on 19 July, 1861, and was accompanied by the 8th Georgia Infantry. The regiment arrived at Camp Pickens, Manassas Junction, Prince William County, Virginia, at 1 AM on 20 July, 1861 (See the 8th Georgia Infantry).

Camp Pickens, Manassas Junction, Prince William County, Virginia, to rear between McLean's and Blackburn's Fords, on Bull Run River, 20 July, 1861: The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered to the rear between McLean's and Blackburn's Fords, on Bull Run River, on 20 July, 1861.

First battle of Manassas, 21 July, 1861

The 7th Georgia Infantry, under the command of Colonel F S Bartow, 8th Georgia Infantry, was stationed at the rear between McLean's and Blackburn's Fords, on Bull Run River, in the morning on 21 July, 1861.

Note: The 7th Georgia Infantry was assigned to Brigadier General B E Bee, Confederate States Army, at the rear between McLean's and Blackburn's Fords, on the Bull Run River, in the morning on 21 July, 1861, and was ordered southwest of the Stone Bridge, on the Bull Run River, at 7 AM the same day (See the Third Brigade, Army of the Shenandoah).

Advance to Henry Hill, one mile west of the Stone Bridge, on the Bull Run River, 21 July, 1861: The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered to Henry Hill, one mile west of the Stone Bridge, on the Bull Run River, in the morning on 21 July, 1861.

Note: The 7th Georgia Infantry was stationed southwest of I Henry's/ Spring Hill, on Henry Hill, one mile west of the Stone Bridge, on the Bull Run River, at 9 AM on 21 July, 1861.

Advance to Matthew's Hill, one mile southeast of Sudley Spring, Prince William County, Virginia, 21 July, 1861: The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered southeast of E Matthew's, on Matthew's Hill, one mile southeast of Sudley Spring, Prince William County, Virginia, in the morning on 21 July, 1861.

Withdrawal to rear J Robinson's, on Henry Hill, one mile west of the Stone Bridge, on the Bull Run River, 21 July, 1861: The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered to withdraw to the rear of J Robinson's, on Henry Hill, one mile west of the Stone Bridge, on the Bull Run River, in the morning on 21 July, 1861.

Advance to Henry Hill, one mile west of the Stone Bridge, on the Bull Run River, 21 July, 1861: The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered southeast of I Henry's/ Spring Hill, on Henry Hill, one mile west of the Stone Bridge, on the Bull Run River, in the afternoon on 21 July, 1861, and was accompanied by Colonel F S Bartow, 8th Georgia Infantry (See the 8th Georgia Infantry).

Note: Colonel F S Bartow, 8th Georgia Infantry, was killed southeast of I Henry's/ Spring Hill, on Henry Hill, one mile west of the Stone Bridge, on the Bull Run River, in the afternoon on 21 July, 1861.

List of killed, etc, 7th Georgia Infantry, at the first battle of Manassas, 21 July, 1861: Company A, k 3, w 11, t 14; Company B, k 5, w 16, t 21; Company C, w 10, t 10; Company D, w 10, t 10; Company E, w 9, t 9; Company F, w 9, t 8; Company G, k 2, w 13, t 15; Company H, k 3, w 17, t 20; Company I, w 9, t 9; Company K, k 2, w 11, t 13; Killed 12, wounded 105, total 117

Return of casualties in the 7th Georgia Infantry, Second Brigade, Army of the Shenandoah, at the first battle of Manassas, 21 July, 1861: Killed 19, wounded 134, total 153

Advance to F Lewis' & Smith's Farms, 22-31 July, 1861

The 7th Georgia Infantry was stationed at Camp Victory, northwest of the F Lewis' farm, a quarter of a mile southwest of Lewis' Ford, on the Bull Run River, between 21 and 31 July, 1861.

Camp Victory, northwest of F Lewis' farm, a quarter of a mile southwest of Lewis' Ford, on the Bull Run River, to Smith's farm, two & a half miles northeast of Manassas Junction, Prince William County, Virginia, 31 July, 1861: The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered to Smith's farm, two and a half miles northeast of Manassas Junction, Prince William County, Virginia, on 31 July, 1861, and was stationed at Camp Bartow, Smith's farm, two and a half miles northeast of Manassas Junction, Prince William County, Virginia, between 31 July and 11 September, 1861.

Smith's Farm to Piney Branch, 11 September, 1861

The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered to Piney Branch, on the old Braddock Road, four miles southwest of Fairfax Courthouse, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the morning on 11 September, 1861, and was stationed at Piney Branch, on the old Braddock Road, four miles southwest of Fairfax Courthouse, Fairfax County, Virginia, between 11 and 21 September, 1861.

Piney Branch to W Farr's Crossroads, 21 September, 1861

The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered to W Farr's Crossroads, old Braddock Road, two miles southwest of Fairfax Courthouse, Fairfax County, Virginia, on 21 September, 1861.

Withdrawal to Centreville, 16 October, 1861

The 7th Georgia Infantry was ordered to Centreville, Fairfax County, Virginia, in the morning on 16 October, 1861.

Surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse, Appomattox County, Virginia, 9 April, 1865: The 7th Georgia Infantry, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel M T Alman, surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse, Appomattox County, Virginia, on 9 April, 1865.

Colonel F S Bartow, 8th Georgia Infantry, Second Brigade, Army of the Shenandoah, 1 June, 1861: Captain F S Bartow, Oglethorpe Light Infantry, Company A, was appointed colonel, 8th Georgia Infantry, at Richmond, Henrico County, Virginia, on 1 June, 1861, and was assigned to command the Second Brigade, Army of the Shenandoah, at Camp Defiance, Stephenson's Station, on the Winchester & Potomac Railroad, four miles northeast of Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, on 17 June, 1861.

Second Corps, Army of the Potomac, 25 September, 1861: Major General G W Smith, Confederate States Army, was assigned to the command of the Second Corps, Army of the Potomac, by General Orders No.31, Headquarters, Army of the Potomac, Camp Pickens, Manassas Junction, Prince William County, Virginia, on 25 September, 1861.

The 7th Georgia Infantry was assigned to the Second Brigade, Second Division, Potomac District, Department of Northern Virginia, under the command of Brigadier General S A M Jones, Confederate States Army, on 22 October, 1861.